Momentary Lapse of reason...


Bronze Member
It's a Sunday night and Candice dress up in this beautiful gold skirt that accents her
blonde dread locks and she's highlights the outfit with gold lipstick. 8)

Me: "Wow, you look fantastic!" I was very surprised.

Candice: "Thank you." She said with a bright smile.

Me: "Ah...Candice it's Sunday why are you so dressed up?" I look puzzled.


Candice: "Wait...What?" She asked with a tone that wasn't so pleasant.

Me: "Yeah, it's Sunday we don't go out on Sunday, it's our norm." I said definitively.

Candice: "Ok...I guess our 3 month anniversary means nothing to you!" Now her tone was angry.


Me: "Three month anniversary?" My mind started to focus on how important today actually is.

Candice: "Don't tell me you forgot?" She sighed.


Me: "Well...I, ah, I didn't forget I was just playing with you!" I said with that desperation of trying to figure a way out of this.

Candice: "You didn't forget?"


Me: "No, as a matter of fact I have a surprise for you!" I remembered I had stashed a necklace that Candice hasn't seen for photoshoots and darted to the cabinet where I had placed it.

Candice: "Were are you going?" She watched me step out of the room.

I find the necklace and and return to the bedroom.

Me: "Look, it matches what you're wearing!" I said hoping the necklace would work.

Candice: "You got this for our 3 month anniversary?"


I place the necklace on Candice.

Candice: "Oh my god! It's beautiful! Thank you"


Candice: "When I thought you had forgotten it broke my heart, but now I can see that we really are meant for each other, isn't it beautiful, I mean being in love." She looked at me with these devotional eyes.


Me: "Yeah, you do look gorgeous with the necklace and that outfit is perfect for it. I guess we really are in sync with each other."

Candice: "So, what did you plan for the night out?" Her smile was so contagious and uplifting.

Me: "Well...I thought we could have dinner at the Blue Water Grill, I know you love the Chilean bas they serve."

Candice: "Perfect!"

The night is young

It was such a great night the weather was cool but not cold so I decided we should take the
bus to the restaurant, but Candice and I got so caught up in the moment that we missed the bus. :|


But we finally get there and Candice reaches out for my hand as we enter the establishment.


By the time we finished the bus services stopped so we walked home. The city scape route was absolutely grand... :D
