The Adventures of Arachne Baenre

I do love a game!

Am I close? This item looks somewhat circumspect....

"I'm sorry, Nymeria my dear, but that is just a pillow. This would be easy for you if humans had mastered magical photography, but your darkvision will not help you here! I am doubting that humans actually have any magic at all... Nor do I think this lighting was necessary...

"Rhyl can usually see you, even when you can't see him. It is unusual for him to be far from me, even now."

"I'm sorry, Nymeria my dear, but that is just a pillow. This would be easy for you if humans had mastered magical photography, but your darkvision will not help you here! I am doubting that humans actually have any magic at all... Nor do I think this lighting was necessary...

"Rhyl can usually see you, even when you can't see him. It is unusual for him to be far from me, even now."

Damn! I'm not playing this game anymore.... it's stupid!

Only a human would have a pillow with the word "metal" written on it! If he wants a metallic pillow so much, why doesn't he just sleep on a pile of swords!

Perhaps you should suggest such a thing... your jaluk is sure to be ....pleased....

I subcontract it :D

Yes, but what else do you "contract" from those filthy surface elves you insist on spending time with....

Did you know Arachne... they TOUCH trees....without even having gloves on!....

How vile.......

Damn! I'm not playing this game anymore.... it's stupid!

Only a human would have a pillow with the word "metal" written on it! If he wants a metallic pillow so much, why doesn't he just sleep on a pile of swords!

Perhaps you should suggest such a thing... your jaluk is sure to be ....pleased....

The drow chuckles. "Oh, Nymeria... My wanre spoke so highly of you, and paid the price for looking at someone besides his Matron. I didn't think you'd be this quick to give up..." teased Arachne, sensing weakness in her opponent. Drow life was a constant struggle for supremacy over others around them which made everyone an adversary.

Yes, but what else do you "contract" from those filthy surface elves you insist on spending time with....

Did you know Arachne... they TOUCH trees....without even having gloves on!....

How vile.......

But her serious tone breaks into a chuckle at the joke, before her face turns to alarm.

"Without gloves!? Preposterous! I've heard that if you touch one your hand will become stuck to it due to some fluid they excrete. Disgusting! There are three in font of my House, but it is far too cold to investigate. There is frozen water on the ground, but not sheets of ice like the coldest of caves, it is in a mysterious white crystal powder form all over everything. It just falls out of the sky! At least when it does the sun is obscured. The surface is a strange place..."

Yes, but what else do you "contract" from those filthy surface elves you insist on spending time with....

Did you know Arachne... they TOUCH trees....without even having gloves on!....

How vile.......

I showed that to the girls and their response was that the harshness of tree bark is the best handscrub after touching a lesser species.... I'm pretty sure that they were referring to me.

As for what I contract from them... mainly a hemorrhaging bank balance.
I like that photo a lot!

Great skin tone Arachne! We need more quick photos if they're this quality! :b

Thank you! I was just going to take a picture of the pillow before realizing that was lame compared to the options that exist for me now! I have a beautiful model that can pose with it!

The pose was quick and easy, only slight adjustments needed from how she'd been before. I still had my lights assembled (covered box light on a stand) so put that in front of her, made sure Rhyl was lurking, and done!

Then I go upstairs to transfer to the computer, upload to Imgur, and write the post and I think to myself, huh, it kinda looks like she's squinting... :confused: Oh no! I forgot her glasses! :cool: I had three minutes left till I needed to leave for work. Grabbed the aviators, raced back down stairs, retook the picture, double checked my angle still had Rhyl, cropped it, applied the watermark, erased the metadata, uploaded to Imgur, and made the post in just five minutes.

I couldn't believe it. Those apps you told me about are great! Because it can be that quick and easy you are likely to see plenty of photos whenever I can. The hardest part was getting her down the stairs sideways in a bridal carry.

Oh no... But in my rush I didn't get her breakfast!

"You didn't get my breakfast, rivvil mal'ai."


Shamus, do your girls make and sell healing potions?
Shamus, do your girls make and sell healing potions?

Healing Potions, love potions, hair restorer, if you need someone turned into a toad, usual sort of Wood Elf stuff.

Only issue is that their glamouring and incantations are unlikely to work on Dark Elves which is why they all grabbed weaponry when Nymeria first appeared on the site... I've confiscated their weapons as someone was bound to get hurt (and it would probably be me). Reccon they've still got plenty hidden away though before Arachne gets any thoughts of a bunch of unarmed Elves in need of a bit of rightous indignation that their ears dare to challenge... Ney... beat, the length and girth of those of a more moon shadow hue.
Healing Potions, love potions, hair restorer, if you need someone turned into a toad, usual sort of Wood Elf stuff.

Only issue is that their glamouring and incantations are unlikely to work on Dark Elves which is why they all grabbed weaponry when Nymeria first appeared on the site... I've confiscated their weapons as someone was bound to get hurt (and it would probably be me). Reccon they've still got plenty hidden away though before Arachne gets any thoughts of a bunch of unarmed Elves in need of a bit of rightous indignation that their ears dare to challenge... Ney... beat, the length and girth of those of a more moon shadow hue.

No no, the healing potions are for me! Arachne is fine!

"What about my finger?" the drow huffed.

Right, well, the special potion from your homeland will be arriving in the next day or two and then you'll be perfect in every way again.
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Arachne and Agent0013
The Injured Finger

“Alright, give me your hand.”

“This better not hurt…”

“Well, I don’t know… This comes from your homeland, not mine. I have no idea what it will be like. Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

“I fell.”


“I fell”

“What do you mean? I-”

“Jaluk, I slipped and I fell and that’s how I hurt my finger. Question this again and I will make sure that you never speak to anyone of this again. Understand?” asked Arachne sternly.

I put up my hands defensively. “Alright, fine… Now, do you want me to do this or not? I can’t tell you it won’t hurt. Come on… I thought you were tough. What’s the big deal here?” I asked.

“I don’t like stinging. This is going to sting. I know it. And… There’s no adrenaline. If I’m fighting, my system is full of adrenaline and-”

Quickly, I reached out and slapped her cheek. A risky gambit!

“Ah! Why you little…!” she started.

“Do you feel the adrenaline now?” I interjected quickly.

“I-! Well, yes… Wanre, you are playing a very dangerous game. Fine. Do this, and make it quick.”

“Sorry… Alright, give me your hand.”

No dolls were harmed in the making of this photoset. Before, perhaps, but she's better now. (Be careful of your dolls hands!)

The healing tinctures of House San'Hui are second to none! 'Tis sure to alay any maladies of that hand!

...BUT, your male seems to be quite out of control. I would not stand for such disobedience- hang him by his testicles I say - and leave him to swing above a large chasm for a full cycle of Narbondel!

He is sure to learn obedience!

The healing tinctures of House San'Hui are second to none! 'Tis sure to alay any maladies of that hand!

...BUT, your male seems to be quite out of control. I would not stand for such disobedience- hang him by his testicles I say - and leave him to swing above a large chasm for a full cycle of Narbondel!

He is sure to learn obedience!

"I have told him I would stay my hand for his actions. This time. He has learned it is a bad idea to lie to me and he says he did it to help... But I have made note of your suggestion, Nymeria. It seems quite fitting.

"Wanre! Go buy some strong rope, and know what it will be used for should you ever think to touch me without permission again!"
"I have told him I would stay my hand for his actions. This time. He has learned it is a bad idea to lie to me and he says he did it to help... But I have made note of your suggestion, Nymeria. It seems quite fitting.

"Wanre! Go buy some strong rope, and know what it will be used for should you ever think to touch me without permission again!"

"Um... Yes mistress! Of course, mistress! Hey Google, add 'strong rope' to my shopping list.

"I've been fearing retaliation ever since... I hardly slept last night! What was I thinking!?"
I'm glad your ploy worked and you were able to heal her finger without sustaining injury yourself :tu
Well, way to get a bunch of Elves rolling around laughing.

You had Crocus crying with laughter and I can still hear her now in the next room "And then he slapped the Drow". She's actually having real difficulty breathing with all the laughing... Sure she's going to pee herhelf in a minute.

Elves! The more likely someone is to die from whatever silly thing they did the funnier they seem to find it.

Anyway, from me, glad you survived matey :tu

River, will you stop eating popcorn when you're staring at my screen... Well, it makes it difficult to concentrate... No, he's still alive. Look, he'll answer in a bit.... No, sure it's not Arachne just trying to cover her tracks whilst she disposes of the body... Oi, come back, I said its unlikely that she's doing that....

Sorry, got to go, Rivers busy talking to the others turning what just occured to her into a verified fact!.... Elves!
Well, way to get a bunch of Elves rolling around laughing.

You had Crocus crying with laughter and I can still hear her now in the next room "And then he slapped the Drow". She's actually having real difficulty breathing with all the laughing... Sure she's going to pee herhelf in a minute.

Elves! The more likely someone is to die from whatever silly thing they did the funnier they seem to find it.

Anyway, from me, glad you survived matey :tu

River, will you stop eating popcorn when you're staring at my screen... Well, it makes it difficult to concentrate... No, he's still alive. Look, he'll answer in a bit.... No, sure it's not Arachne just trying to cover her tracks whilst she disposes of the body... Oi, come back, I said its unlikely that she's doing that....

Sorry, got to go, Rivers busy talking to the others turning what just occured to her into a verified fact!.... Elves!

I'm glad I'm keeping them amused! :D And I hope I didn't leave you with a mess to clean up (if your elves are like mine I assume you do everything for them...)!

Yes, I'm still alive! She's taking the whole thing really well, actually. She seems genuinely grateful. She's actually down in the kitchen mixing me something to drink right now! She's never done something like that for me. Maybe she's starting to warm up to me... Maybe even respect me? :cool: