A Parcel For Paige


Part of the Furniture
Staff member


In Association with

Lower Northern Fabrications


A Parcel For Paige










So, a MASSIVE Thank you to Revol, who made this Couch from scratch with impressive skill and attention to detail!

Paige now has somewhere to spend her time when she's not getting in to mischief or out walking with me (getting in to mischief)


So, can we expect a live webcam while she lounges the day away dressed like that?:drool:D

Considering I have never seen a 1/3 scale doll I think it worked pretty well for her:tu and it makes me very happy to see Paige enjoying it. The 1/3 scale house is in the post:21

Now she can feel the smooth silky feel of satin whenever she wants.

Great work on the 'couch intro' thread:tu
Wow, I'm seriously impressed. revoL should set up a company and go into production. He could call it Dollies' Fabulous Sofas (DFS). Just think, he could have a never-ending sale. And doesn't the little lady look just great lounging about on it?
Another fantastic offering from Karrot!

Just to ask; where/what/who is revol? I mean, I want a sofa like that for my dollies too - ps: Love her little clothes
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:eek: WOW! My jaw just slacked to the floor! Everyone involved here did a wonderful job: :tu

revoL as the upholsterer, Karrot for the unwrapping pictures, of course, Paige for the demonstration (I'll try that myself on my sofa soon, Lian will judge :D:D:D), and Barnaby just for being cute. Wait, let me review: Monkey business somewhere in the background? Nope.

I also second the idea of a live webcam!

CU cuddly and slightly disapproving Lian
Hey, you have all of MY couch lately, don't you pout! And often the super comfy easy chair, too. Oh no, I just pictured you demonstrating your lounging... :o:rolleyes:
Another fantastic offering from Karrot!

Just to ask; where/what/who is revol? I mean, I want a sofa like that for my dollies too - ps: Love her little clothes

Look up 2 from your post mate :D He's one of the mod here.

:eek: some mad crafting skills :tu:tu:tu:tu:tu:tu:b:b:b

i tried making a sofa for Hanna and Alice it didn't go well,

the Lovely Paige looks to be enjoying the new furniture
Wow, brilliant. At first I thought that it had been made for a giant dolls house - I didn't realise that Revol made it. Are there no ends to his talents?:tu:tu
What a lucky girl Paige is.
Hmmmm, I just noticed something.....


Barnaby sitting on couch noticing Paige starting to undress.


Barnaby nowhere to be seen, clearly looking for a better viewing seat.


Oh, there he is! Methinks he's a pervy little bear:D
Wow! Lips AND a sofa. revoL has been a very busy bunny.

The sofa looks fantastic. Now that Paige has the appropriate furniture, I'm looking forward to the launch of her breakfast television show.
That's absolutely fantastic. Lovely work.

Well done Revol. superb.

I'm like a cat with the cream because I get to see more pictures of the gorgeous Paige. As sexy as ever.
Keep them coming nice mister Karrot
Very, Very impressive.

A wonderful product Revol, most impressive and a lovely present for little Paige, who is just sooooooooooooo cute!
nice story Karrot and nice sofa Revol. I hope you aren't ignoring your TB's Karrot that could get dangerous especially with cindy owning a rifle and pinky being a scientist.
Wow! That looks like a really well made couch revol.:b:b:b great job:tu:tu:tu
Good job done on the introductery thread too Karrot:tu:tu:tu
Wow, I'm seriously impressed. revoL should set up a company and go into production. He could call it Dollies' Fabulous Sofas (DFS). Just think, he could have a never-ending sale. And doesn't the little lady look just great lounging about on it?

I don't know how many hours he put into making it, but I bet those would sell well on Ebay.