Ladies in red

Lovin' the red dresses!

Ashleigh and Sinthia are now complaining that Jaz and Rose are getting attention for nighties that were bought for them. So to keep some peace here in the Pyramid, I present Ashleigh and Sinthia in red.

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Babes in red

I think that Kat looks very regal in her lovely dress. Ashleigh and Sinthia look stunning - love the horns! ;)

Not met Lucinda before; just checked her album. Really lovely, the dark hair and red dress really go together.
Red Hot

Kat's new outfit. Red Hot Honey.



Jenny's contribution - hope I'm not too late

Hi Guys and Gals

I got really cross with Kate. Here were all the other beautiful girls looking great in their pretty red outfits and she hadn't bought me a single red thing to wear. Well, at last, we've found this pretty red dress so I can join in too. She also got me a very sexy pair of red stockings to go with it - she says the sight of me wearing them makes her go all wobbly at the knees but that's probably just her age. I hope you like my pictures - providing that the uploader is co-operating today.

Lots of love from Jenny


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So how about it supermods, can we make ladies in red a sticky? as i said there are dollies of all types here all lookin lovely? please?
Thanks Wulfie

Many thanks for sorting out the graphics Wulfie. The uploader had me tearing my hair out last night.
No probs, it's a pleasure to see the lady straight off without hitting keys and red looks so good. :)
The lovely Jenny.

There is just something about ladies in red. Jenny looks fabulous... the red stockings and the suspenders!!! I just love her in specs' she looks cool and sophisticated, it's a great look.

Yes! I thnik this should be a sticky and Wulfie, what magic did you use on the uploader grrrrr?
There is just something about ladies in red. Jenny looks fabulous... the red stockings and the suspenders!!! I just love her in specs' she looks cool and sophisticated, it's a great look.

Yes! I thnik this should be a sticky and Wulfie, what magic did you use on the uploader grrrrr?

Already stuck it ages ago (still waiting for the lightning bolt from above) and banged the shots thru my box to reload, the only pain being a bits and bobs album which is'nt mine but if it helps, no probs. :) If I can help folks get their pics on just ask:)