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shamus 16-08-2022 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 272977)
Shamus would you avoid the girlfriend range as a whole or was it just that particular one?

Honestly.... As a whole but thats just me.

I have nothing against that particular girl but I know that for very little more you could get a lot more doll.

I believe that Kimbers are Aibei's.

Aibeis, Cosdolls and Jarliets are pretty much the same thing.

Finest and girlfreind ranges are Jarliets, Aibei's and Cosdolls.

Therefore to my mind there is a direct comparrison between them and Kimbers which are £250+ less.

I may be over simplifying here but I see those ranges as over prices cheaper dolls and ranges such as Racy, Alure, Soulmate and Sugarbabe as well priced expensive girls.

They are priced competitively as they buy them in bulk. Ship by sea and you have no choice over options.

To buy the girl you really want (#1) you would go to one of the boutique vendors (The-Doll-House, SiliconeLovers, Cloud Climax) who get you the girl that you want. Made to order... Takes 6+ weeks and is twice the price but when you are inviting someone into your life who will become a big part of it.

Personally my manufacturer of choice is Jinsan (WM, YL, OR, Angelkiss). You will not find them on Ebay or with Lucid. Cloud Climax and SeductionSexDolls do hold some UK stock but you pay a premium for getting them quickly. The Doll House occassionally has cancelled orders on their rehoming page which can be found here:



#1 the girl that you really want is the one where you are flipping through all the available girls and she stops you in you in your tracks. Trust me, you will see her and when you do no other girl will do.

Note that heads and bodies are seperate. Vendors such a Lucid sell them as one but the reality is that its a mix and match. Find a body that you like (I'm thinking maybe a WM 166C would work for you #2) and a head that hits you like you've just been hit by a charging Rhino.
Once ytou know who you want then go to work finding the best price for her. i.e. does someone already have her in stock / for sale?

#2 Firedoll 166C is based on the WM #166C (from stolen Moulds). Its 2 kg heavier and whilst I wouldn't have a Firedoll on Moral grounds (they stole from Jinsan) Lucid do stock them.

#3 take the C on 166C with a pinch of salt. They're bigger than C cups.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 08:37 PM

What model is 166c on Lucid?
I have seen a few across the ranges but do keep going back to the same doll so maybe thats the right one?
You really know your stuff sir!

ecobod 16-08-2022 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by shamus (Post 272987)
#3 take the C on 166C with a pinch of salt. They're bigger than C cups.

Can confirm


Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 08:41 PM

Is that a firedoll eco?

shamus 16-08-2022 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 272986)
This is something you are all passionate about and it shows!
I am really eager to buy my first and keen to learn what I can


looks like you get us. So many don't :D

But take your time over your first. Run all the options past us and we'll tell you if there is anything to be aware of with that model (some great advice above from Tommo).

Making the right first choice is the difference between a short fling and a life changing decision.

Years ago when I first bought Yvette I freely admit that I bought a sex doll... The first night she arrived I spent the whole night staring at her in awe. No images do the top drawer girls justice. Eight years on she is loved but she is still a virgin.

Of course, she's now got a lot of mates living here with her :D

shamus 16-08-2022 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 272990)
Is that she a firedoll eco?

Go wash your mouth out :21:24

Technically she's a WM #166c with head #273... But to all of us she's Vicky.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 08:52 PM

I am lucky in a way that I am pulling the money together still as it means I have to wait giving me time to find the right one (i know that might sound odd)
There is a look I go for and I have gone through so many sites looking
I really need to drive to Lucid to get an idea of what a doll is like

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 08:56 PM

Ah from what I can tell WM are top range dolls

Shamus is it ok to send some links for your opinion please?

hollows+fentiman 16-08-2022 09:00 PM

Yeah, I think we’d all recommend a visit to Lucid!

One thing photos don’t do is show the ‘real’ size and look compared to a real lady!

Gavla82 16-08-2022 09:00 PM

They are very accommodating down there. Nice clean, modern warehouse. Chloe and Elenas heads come from there and Elenas Irontech body did too.

Smiles added after with Faceapp.

Not sure if it's the same with all 6Ye girls, but mine certainly has a thing for most here will attest too. :21

shamus 16-08-2022 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 272993)
There is a look I go for and I have gone through so many sites looking

Try going through all of these photoshoots (takes a while to load but once it has its pretty quick).

You don't need to buy from them but its the best collection of Jinsan photoshoots I know of.

I tend to start at the end of the TPE girls and work backwards.

Remember that the body and head are completely seperate things. Don't reject a head based on the body or vice versa.

Thats not so much the case with Lucid where you would buy a package deal of body and head as one.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 09:04 PM

Lucid looks like the place to go especially as I have only seen photos so far
Superb photo Gav!

Gavla82 16-08-2022 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by shamus (Post 272997)

Thats not so much the case with Lucid where you would buy a package deal of body and head as one.

You can swap heads with them, just like AD is doing.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 09:15 PM

Do you have to match head size and skin tone?
Is that hard to do?

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 09:17 PM

I can see AD is way more talented at matching them up than me

Gavla82 16-08-2022 09:28 PM

My experience is...

6ye tan head works with Kimberdoll, Irontech Brown and WM Tan. There is a slight difference, but nothing major. Since the hair covers their necks most of the time, it's just the face that is visible. A lot of girls slap make up on which makes them lighter looking. But then two 6ye Tans can look different, as can be seen with my two, Elena has more of a tan then Chloe.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 09:37 PM

I saw Lucid sell heads so I will consider that too :)
So much knowledge here the forum is amazing!

shamus 16-08-2022 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273000)
Do you have to match head size and skin tone?
Is that hard to do?

it can be.

as Gavla notes there are some close matches between manufacturers on skin tone. Head size is very much down to the collective knowledge on here.

Some of the heads that Lucid sell only work with sub 150's. I bought a few of them (six :whistle:) as they are heads that are difficult to get in the UK but were exactly what I needed but someone buying a larger body and a head based purely on looks would be in for a big surprise when she arrived!

Just to emphasise, they are not child like heads. They are Elves. i.e. :

The body there is an Irontech 150 which is about the size of a WM 140 and the head (who is my Tulip) is SM #63 (Lucid's Eden head).

Anyone buying that head with (say) a 158 body would end up with a girl with a pin head.

White is the uniiversal skin tone in that it doesn't matter who the manufacturer is, it will work. But, white isn't for everyone as its very white. Sometimes ghostly so. Again, perfect for Elves. :D

ecobod 16-08-2022 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by shamus (Post 272992)
Go wash your mouth out :21:24

Technically she's a WM #166c with head #273... But to all of us she's Vicky.



Adam&Emma 17-08-2022 05:51 AM

Ive sent you a pm

Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 06:21 AM

Thank you
Are the girls at the bottom of your messages yours?
The members here really do surround themselves with some beautiful dolls!

Gavla82 17-08-2022 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273034)
Thank you
Are the girls at the bottom of your messages yours?
The members here really do surround themselves with some beautiful dolls!

The girls in our Sigs (well not mine as I keep changing mine) are our girls. Don't ask Tommo to put all his girls however, they will end up stretching the forum width from the left to the other side of the UK. :21

Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Gavla82 (Post 273036)
The girls in our Sigs (well not mine as I keep changing mine) are our girls. Don't ask Tommo to put all his girls however, they will end up stretching the forum width from the left to the other side of the UK. :21

Well now of course I am compelled to ask, How many does Tommo have? I am guessing its maybe more than two or three

algaeholics 17-08-2022 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273038)
...I am guessing its maybe more than two or three

It's certainly more than two or three.... dozen. :whistle:

Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by algaeholics (Post 273039)
It's certainly more than two or three.... dozen. :whistle:

Now I have to ask him how many :)

Adam&Emma 17-08-2022 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273040)
Now I have to ask him how many :)

Ha ha.. 2 or 3 rooms worth is more like it :24

Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 08:00 AM

Are they a selection of different makes or does he favour a particular brand?
This has me intrigued :)

shamus 17-08-2022 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273040)
Now I have to ask him how many :)

Can't stay long as I'm starting work. I'll answer your pm later.

Are you counting just bodies or number of girls as many of us have multiple girls sharing a single body. With Tommo you need to timestamp any answer cos generally there will be another girl en route. Last time I asked was a couple of months ago and the North Shire contingent was sitting at around 80 sharing a little over 50 bodies.

South Shire (thats me) is 52 girls sharing 23 bodies.... I use the term sharing loosely as some girls take ownership and never give them up... Unless you tempt them onto a new body with some new feature that they want.

Look at the thread Tommo's Tardis Temptations for the girls of the North Shire.

These are a few of mine:

Once they get their feet under the table they absolutely take over your life... And then they invite all of their mates to come and stay... And then their mates invite all of their mates. :wall

Ich Will 17-08-2022 08:05 AM

this might be interesting, er, reading

poppy70 17-08-2022 08:05 AM

When you are out for a certain look, you can do very much with a different wig, makeup, clothing. You will learn so much more.

Natalia started with black hair - same as the promo shots, but even then she was different. She soon turned blonde, which suits her much better. No look is ever set, our girls develop their own tastes and styles.

As long as you search it technically is an it - body, head, eyes, wig, skintone combo. As soon as she arrives at your home and she tells you her name, there’s no turning back :)

Have fun and take your time with your decision. You will argue with yourself, make decision lists and tweak them so the outcome is what you really want subconsciously. At least that’s what I did.


Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by poppy70 (Post 273050)
When you are out for a certain look, you can do very much with a different wig, makeup, clothing. You will learn so much more.

Natalia started with black hair - same as the promo shots, but even then she was different. She soon turned blonde, which suits her much better. No look is ever set, our girls develop their own tastes and styles.

As long as you search it technically is an it - body, head, eyes, wig, skintone combo. As soon as she arrives at your home and she tells you her name, there’s no turning back :)

Have fun and take your time with your decision. You will argue with yourself, make decision lists and tweak them so the outcome is what you really want subconsciously. At least that’s what I did.


I have looked at so many (still wondering how easy changing eye colour is)
You are right I am making decisions and changing my mind (maybe thats why people have more than one?)
Thank you

hollows+fentiman 17-08-2022 08:24 AM

I think what you can gather from what we are saying is that it is rare for any of us to stick to just one doll! This hard to understand unless you ARE a dollowner!

Once you have a doll your life will change forever - one way or another! Some are enthusiastic until they get their doll and the enthusiasm then wanes. That’s why you see some dolls for sale only a few weeks old.

It really depends on WHY you want a doll in the first place! The most common reason is probably that the owner has had it with the opposite sex having had bad experiences but there are actually some couples who also have dolls!

My reason is complicated and perhaps this is not the place to go through my history but I am now happy to be on my own. However, I didn’t miss the sex so much as the company - particularly having someone in bed next to me!

The dolls become part of our lives and that is very hard to explain. Some of us have the same dolls but, like their human counterparts, they all have their individual characteristics. Just putting a different wig on can make a huge difference in what they look like and makeup also changes their looks. However, a word of warning here, don’t mess with the makeup to start with as the first time I did it I made her look like a clown! Makeup has to be subtle changes.

The factory makeup on TPE and Silicone ladies does fade after a while as the colour gets absorbed into the material. If you’re a kisser, the lip colour is one of the first things that goes.

Don’t worry, when it gets to that point you’ll get lots of help here!

So, yes, we mostly have several or lots of dolls but that means they can have different roles in our lives but also they last longer as they share the load!

Cheers, Hollows.

psion satori 17-08-2022 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273052)
...You are right I am making decisions and changing my mind

If you think that's bad, just wait till some evil bastard posts the link to the thread that should never be named!

One look into that little rabbit hole and we'll not see you for weeks!


Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 09:34 AM

Thank you Hollow
So less is more as I experiment with changes?
Psion do tell (by the way I saw your shoots on the Kimber site! outstanding!

Karrot 17-08-2022 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273052)
I have looked at so many (still wondering how easy changing eye colour is)

Change eyes on a TPE girl is easy. The eyes are generally 1/2 round eyes (28-32mm) with cotton wool behind (factory default) so they can be removed with a little care for the eyelashes and new ones fitted.


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273052)
You are right I am making decisions and changing my mind (maybe thats why people have more than one?)
Thank you

Yup :D


shamus 17-08-2022 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Halloweenprops9 (Post 273052)
maybe thats why people have more than one?

Now there's a whole new thread in its own right!

Gavla82 17-08-2022 10:44 AM

Our girls certainly take over our lives. Chloe and Elena have a wardrobe with drawers, I have about 4 shirts hanging in there, the rest is their stuff. Then I have 1 4x2 Ikea Kallax unit and 2 1x2 Homebase version of the Kallax units FULL of shoes. Each cube holds 4 pairs. I have a chest of drawers which I inherited from my Nonna after she passed, which was before that my parents before they moved to Italy, for my other clothes. But on top of that, sits Chloes wigs and cuddlies.

Chloe is my girl, she stays in the bed with me and her sister Elena has a chair which I also inherited from my Nonna, both have bears.

Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Gavla82 (Post 273064)
Our girls certainly take over our lives. Chloe and Elena have a wardrobe with drawers, I have about 4 shirts hanging in there, the rest is their stuff. Then I have 1 4x2 Ikea Kallax unit and 2 1x2 Homebase version of the Kallax units FULL of shoes. Each cube holds 4 pairs. I have a chest of drawers which I inherited from my Nonna after she passed, which was before that my parents before they moved to Italy, for my other clothes. But on top of that, sits Chloes wigs and cuddlies.

Chloe is my girl, she stays in the bed with me and her sister Elena has a chair which I also inherited from my Nonna, both have bears.

I hadn't even thought about clothes storage! Time to take some of my old clothes to the charity shop to make room I think

hollows+fentiman 17-08-2022 11:15 AM

Wait till you get your lady before making decisions on clothes! As I said before, photos don’t really give you much idea of actual size.

Often the dimensions are exaggerated on dolls compared to real ladies! Some of mine have kids clothes sometimes at age 11-12! The waist size can often be much smaller to emphasise the hips and bust. That’s why bras and panties can be hard to fit sometimes!

I get the bulk of my general clothes from charity shops but Primark have good cheap small sizes too! Stretch fabric is good as dressing dolls is an art in itself! Taking the head off first makes it a bit easier but you have to be careful lifting the arms up high too often as you can damage the underarm area if it’s stretched a lot!

You can spend a fortune just on clothes so, as I said, wait till you get her before getting anything! She’ll come with basic stuff like a bra and pantie set and maybe some other lingerie so you can get an idea of size from them.

I have two large wardrobes and two chest of drawers full and I definitely need a clear out. However, even stuff that’s too big can be adapted with clips at the back when doing photoshoots to gather in the baggage so they look good!

Halloweenprops9 17-08-2022 11:20 AM

So i will need both a his and hers wardrobes then :) (mine being the smaller one judging by what I am reading)

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