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Glorificus 09-03-2023 09:09 PM

I was being so gentle as well. No strain in my fingertips showing the silicone then last picture it splits.
To say I'm proper stressed is an understatement.
To run my forehead across the carpet would be a better feeling than I have right now...grrrr

Talusia 10-03-2023 01:08 AM

Hey Glorificus, I know exactly how you feel. There’s nothing worse than one problem cascading into another :eek:

You shouldn’t feel like you caused the split by pulling the delaminated skin. Looks like that area was inherently weak along the seam and would have split at some point anyway.

I got my first lady at Xmas and by the end of January I’d managed to put a tear in her shoulder, had delamination around the breasts, and a tear in her vagina. I was beside myself, totally clueless about how to fix any of it, and worried that any repair attempt risked making things worse. Playtime was fraught with worry about causing more problems or exasperating existing ones.

There is a lot of good advice to be found here and on the Doll Forum but what really helped me was finding YouTube videos by Mishka Valentino. Look up his channel and watch him make various repairs on silicone dolls. It gave me some insight and confidence to tackle these problems.

Experienced owners might be able to handle their girls in a way that keeps them flawless for years, but I’ve come to realise that average play for me is going to result in wear and tear. Accidents happen. Manufacturing flaws happen. Knowing how to repair these types of minor injuries and having the tools and materials needed is pretty much an essential part of looking after her.

Having gone through that; fixing a tear, delamination, a couple of finger pokes and vaginal tears. I now feel much more confident and relaxed when playing with her. If an accident happens, it’s not a disaster. I can probably fix it. Permatex and sil-poxy are my new best friends!

You might get away with leaving your girl’s delamination but that split along what looks like the seam needs to be fixed or it’s just going to get bigger over time.

It’s a super easy fix;
Get some Acetone
Use the Acetone to clean the area so silicone adhesive/sealant will cure properly.
Get some Permatex Silcone sealant or adhesive
(they seem very similar. Either will do the job. Sil-poxy is probably overkill, I did need to use it to properly fix finger pokes and vaginal tears.)
Get some toothpicks.
Use the toothpicks to apply some Permatex to the inside edges of the splits.
The splits should naturally seal, otherwise you can use a bit of masking tape to keep them together.
Gently wipe any excess silicone from the surface.
After half an hour you can, optionally, apply some talc to the area so the silicone cures matt.
Leave overnight to cure.

It’s not really possible to mess this up. At worse you’ll have some excess silicone on the surface that’ll look like a small scar.

Hope this helps,


Karrot 10-03-2023 08:14 AM

What Talusia says above is absolutely correct, but a couple of embellishments from me.

1: that small tear will allow you to get some silicone in to solve the delamination in that area, just be careful doing so as torn silicone will tear further quite easily.

2: Acetone or Isopropyl Alcohol to clean before sealing, but if you do put some silicone inside to stick the delam down, let that cure fully before cleaning and sealing the outside. Silicone is picky about curing, and any small amount of Acetone or IPA still in the area will leave you with an uncured sticky mess.

You know theres nothing left in there when you cant Smell Acetone or IPA around the tear for at least 10 mins.

3, if the tear doesnt hold neatly closed on its own, you can use sewing pins to hold it closed as the silicone cures. They just pull out after and leave no real trace.


Lucidtoys 10-03-2023 04:01 PM

I have uploaded the images to our internal Quality System.

I will be dealing with this matter with the suppliers face-to-face.


Glorificus 10-03-2023 10:20 PM


Sorry for the delay been pretty down in my mood since this happened. Thanks for these great tips, I will buy those materials and research some repair videos as you suggested.
Really great having such a good place to come to help and get advice from you all. If it wasn't for this site I'd probably still be feeling sorry for myself so thanks again everyone.

Glorificus 10-03-2023 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lucidtoys (Post 292875)
I have uploaded the images to our internal Quality System.

I will be dealing with this matter with the suppliers face-to-face.


Thanks lucid for dealing with this issue with the supplier.
Hopefully they can sort this issue as I really do like the look and feel of cst dolls.
Be great to be able to have a cst doll in the future to add to my broken but still well loved April. Maybe a 150cm c cup version


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