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Iloveredheads 11-10-2011 04:38 PM

Dollies in the UK(Sinthetics)
Hi Guys,

My ultimate goal is to own my very own Sinthetics doll (alicia). My question is has any one taken order of one of these beauties in the UK and if so could you tell me or pm what the total cost (or thereabouts)deliveried to your door. Like i keep say would love to own one but just looking for a ball part figure I need to save up too(dont want to be short).


jayjay 11-10-2011 05:08 PM

I don't think there'll be that many, if any, of them been deliverd to anyone who posts on here scottishlad, which basically means you'll get no first hand reply. From a very quick look about, this is the address you want,, so you get it form the horses mouth so to speak.:)

I've linked a thread that seems to have all the necessary info you should need.

darkangel doesn't seem to have posted since the last post on the thread, I've linked, so I don't know if he got his doll or not?

Good luck.:)

Iloveredheads 11-10-2011 05:25 PM

Thanks for that Jayjay, will have a good read through it! ;)

Everhard 11-10-2011 06:19 PM

You can get a rough idea as follows:

Convert the price in USD to GBP (British pounds) using one of the currency conversion web sites. Don't forget to include the manufacturer's overseas shipping cost.

Add 20 percent VAT payable on all imports -- even from countries that don't have VAT like the USA!

Add customs duty (I forget the rate, but it is not very much) and, if you use an import agent such as SEKO UK, the fees they charge.

If you want it delivered to your door, add that cost too. (SEKO's charge for that is very reasonable in my experience.)

It all adds up...

Iloveredheads 11-10-2011 06:54 PM

THanks for that Everhard gives me a better understanding of what costs are involved, now to go find the calculator :D

Sinthetics 11-10-2011 07:41 PM

We have delivered to the UK but I don't believe any of the UK owners post on any forums, which is a bit sad. My understanding is that the import taxes work out to somewhere between 21% and 25% of the commercial invoice amount. Shoot us an email at and we'll talk about the process more.

Iloveredheads 11-10-2011 08:40 PM

With a little help from Everhard i have managed to get a rough Idea of monies required to purchase one of these lovelies, however overtime a calling so expect me to be in touchnext year.......

Would be amasing to be the first one to get one on the forums :)

Alicia am coming for ya baby!! :D:D

jayjay 11-10-2011 11:54 PM

I often wonder how many people have dolls but never post on the forums. I suppose some of them don't even know about the existance of the forums.

Anyway, glad you got it mostly sorted scottishlad.:)This time next year you'll be an Alicia owner...or better still win the lottery and you'll be an Alica owner in a few months!:)

cosycottage 12-10-2011 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by jayjay (Post 10807)
I often wonder how many people have dolls but never post on the forums. I suppose some of them don't even know about the existence of the forums.

I have to say the UK forum is pretty visible if you google love/sex dolls and uk.

My first stop during my extensive research wasn't this forum - nor was it third or even fourth. I went direct to the different shops and official manufacturers' sites first - but eventually meandered onto here (and also TDF and ODC) looking for reviews and stuff like that.

I think the forum has a lot more lurkers tbh, but that's the nature of the beast... but I think if more of us discover the friendly vibe and join, posting more general stuff and a wider sort of "chatroom" vibe about it, it'll encourage people to stop a while longer.

Yep, there is a real honest-to-betsy reason for me posting crap on here! :D

UKLDF isn't (yet) as vibrant as the transatlantic counterparts, but you can still log on to here once a week and find enough to catch up....

Sort of a snowball effect, once a site gets the initial traction... more is more and less is less....

In fact, I'd be minded to "re-brand" the site as a UK and European Love Doll Forum... but that's just me spitballin' :)

jayjay 12-10-2011 04:46 PM

Yup a bit of general conversation, friendly charm and politeness never did anyone any harm and will encourage people out of the shadows and into joining.:)

I came across TDF years ago, when Realdoll were the only silicone doll on the market. I'd seen them on Sky tv, so I went on the net to search for more info. I think I just Googled Realdoll and TDF came up as well, but at the time, I was spending too much time on my mates site to join so I just watched.

I would imagine there's a certain amount of stigma attached to dolls and people avoid forums and getting involved because of that, which is a shame, but I suppose only to be expected.

Everything seems to be heading in the right direction here though...."Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.":)

Sinthetics 12-10-2011 08:31 PM

We aren't sure what the dynamic is for posting/lurking on forums, but the vast majority of people who own Sinthetics do not post at all. There are a handful who do post, and more often than not you'll see a review then no more posts. Maybe life just gets in the way, or maybe doll ownership is so fun they are busy doing that and don't want to chat about it. We're not sure. We wish more people would post... When people keep in touch about their dolls it's fun for us because it feels like family. We are always a little sad when a doll disappears into the world and never writes home...

Iloveredheads 12-10-2011 09:38 PM

Yip I am going to agree with that "the new owner has there hands full and so has no time to post on forums" :D:D (in all honesty I would be the same I think)

Camp 12-10-2011 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by jayjay (Post 10790)
I don't think there'll be that many, if any, of them been deliverd to anyone who posts on here scottishlad, which basically means you'll get no first hand reply...

I have a deposit on a Sinth and post here !

When she arrives, she will be here ! :D

Just an FYI, I was lucky enough to debut the B2D to the World when we held DollLApalooza in Los Angeles this past July.

They are an amazing Doll !

jayjay 13-10-2011 03:24 PM

Good stuff camp.:) I think you're in the USA, but never the less it may still help scottishlad, if he still needs any help when he comes to make his order.:)

Great to hear you've got an order in the process, really looking forward to sseing your pics when she arrives.:) I'm all curious now, which combination did you go for? I hope she's as much fun as Dottie is for you.:)

crissman 31-12-2011 10:38 PM

I am in the UK and getting a Sinthetic very soon so will keep you posted!

jayjay 01-01-2012 07:02 PM

Congratulations crissman.:) Look forward to her pics when she arrives.:)

Camp 01-01-2012 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by jayjay (Post 10843)
Good stuff camp.:) I think you're in the USA, but never the less it may still help scottishlad, if he still needs any help when he comes to make his order.:)
Great to hear you've got an order in the process, really looking forward to sseing your pics when she arrives.:) I'm all curious now, which combination did you go for? I hope she's as much fun as Dottie is for you.:)

Yes I am in the USA. While that may not help with the shipping aspects of getting a Sinth, I hope I can be a useful resource.

I have been active on these forums for almost 8 years, and this will be my 6th Silicone Doll.

My current order is for a B2D (possibly E) with a Tawny head, and probably several others.

Dottie has been the most wonderful doll in the World, However she is almost 6 years old and made from tin-cure silicone, and sadly she requires a lot of repair work on a constant basis.

I'm hoping my Sinth has the same work ethic as Dottie, and amuses and entertains everyone for years to come.

jayjay 02-01-2012 07:37 PM

Thanks for the info Camp.:) That's a great combination, especially with the extra heads. Looking forward to seeing as much of her as we do Dottie.:)

Iloveredheads 03-01-2012 12:21 AM

Crissman(a dont know how to say this so a will)you are ma hero, a joking a side friend;. a really hope you will share your story from order, to redressing as like you your good self a find these ladies mezmeriszing(think the spelling ok).

please do keep us informed

avid fan!

cosycottage 03-01-2012 02:27 AM

Reviews - and pics! :D -are really useful for people making up their minds (and their budgets!).

There'll only ever be the tip of the iceberg showing on forums, but hey - that's the way it is - especially in a "fringe hobby" like the one wot we like to do.

At least there are places like UKLDF and TDF and ODC for people to find and do research and meet fellow doll owners and - most importantly - not get ripped off!

Hey, I was nervous about posting on here, so christ knows what it's like for others! ;)

Alistair 14-01-2012 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by cosycottage (Post 10815)
I'd be minded to "re-brand" the site as a UK and European Love Doll Forum...

Steady on!

Better not let any Europhobes read this or we could have our very own civil war!



crissman 02-02-2012 09:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I got my sinthetic 3 weeks ago, with customs it was £534.58p but getting her here in general is pricey, well worth it though

Wulfie 02-02-2012 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by crissman (Post 14192)
I got my sinthetic 3 weeks ago, with customs it was £534.58p but getting her here in general is pricey, well worth it though

Either the decimal point is in the wrong place :D or you've got a hell of a bargain.:) She sure has a beautiful face and we'd like to see some more pics of her.
Her, does 'her' have a name yet.:confused:
Happy honeymoon.

jayjay 02-02-2012 05:11 PM

Congratualtions crissman.:) Agree with Wulfie, any more pics please.:)

crissman 03-02-2012 06:10 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Hello, that was only the customs charge LOL!!:D

jayjay 03-02-2012 07:23 PM

Thanks for those crissman.:) I especially like the Lara Croft image, very good.;)

Wulfie 03-02-2012 07:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Fab eyes, a great face and great

Cyber Ted 03-02-2012 10:22 PM

Very nice, Loving the Lara Croft piccie.

"Do you have a license for those, Miss". :)


crissman 04-02-2012 11:15 AM

lmao....I have a licence for them, she doesn't:p!!!

crissman 27-02-2012 03:56 PM

5 Attachment(s)
new images......

Iloveredheads 27-02-2012 04:19 PM

Wow Crissman she is a fine looking doll you have there, was almost thinking of switching models from Alicia(then a banged my head) lol. But no mate they are some very nice pics. what happened to Alicia?

cosycottage 27-02-2012 04:58 PM

Woo hoo!!!!!! :p

Fantastic new pics there! :D

Cyber Ted 27-02-2012 05:59 PM

A well armed Girl, Pistols and Bazookas. :D


jayjay 27-02-2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cyber Ted (Post 15378)
A well armed Girl, Pistols and Bazookas. :D


:D Brilliant kind of sums it up so well Cyber Ted.:D

jayjay 27-02-2012 06:27 PM

Great pics, thanks crissman.:) Those Lara Croft pics are ace, she really has got a lot of sex appleal going on there, thanks. :) Now all you have to do is keep 'em coming.:D thanks again. ;)

crissman 07-03-2012 08:01 PM

I still have Alicia- She's called Eva, with a great frontlace wig to. I haven't taken any images of her recently, but if the suns out, I will shoot her asap. Thanks for all the kind comments everyone!

jayjay 08-03-2012 04:25 PM

Unfortunately at this time of year, it's a case of now you see the sun now you don't...!:D

Let's hope the sun stays out long enough for the pics.:)

Iloveredheads 08-03-2012 06:05 PM

Excellent Crissman, that will give me something to look forward too!!:D

Tell Eva a was asking for her ;):cool:

darkangel65 19-05-2012 03:28 PM

dressing up
hi crissman great looking lara croft:)
im planning to buy babydoll from suckerpunch for my sin

jayjay 20-05-2012 12:48 PM

Agree darkangel, ace lara croft pics crissman.:)

Definitely get the babydoll from suckerpunch, for Stella, be a tremendous outfit.:) And make foe an ace shoot.;):)

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