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philinotstine 21-07-2018 08:24 PM

Pris on the beach
I finally got round to taking Pris to the beach for a shoot today.
The only photoshopping are in the ones where I removed her stand and one of her in the sea ( the tide was too far for me to carry her with my bad back.

First a pint in the shipwright (another pub on my doll list)

philinotstine 21-07-2018 08:31 PM

philinotstine 21-07-2018 08:36 PM

Cyber Ted 21-07-2018 08:41 PM

Excellent Pics Phil, you caught great light there. Pris looks brill on the beach. :b

Is that the replacement for the old yellow DUKW amphibians in the background?

Shows how long it was since I was last over there. :o :D


Tommo10 21-07-2018 08:46 PM

Absolutely brilliant Phil,:b
You are so brave taking your dolls outside.
Pris looks fantastic as always, mate:drool:drool:drool
Regards Tommo

philinotstine 21-07-2018 08:53 PM

Cheers guys. CT yes it is the new puddle-duck. I was once the sole passanger on one coming back from Elizabeth castle and it broke down and I can't swim! :mad: LOL Could only happen to me.

Dongo 21-07-2018 08:55 PM

Pris looks a beautiful as ever. Its always good to get photos in natural light.

Samurai 21-07-2018 09:12 PM

She looks great on the beach and also looks like she is realy walking down to the water :eek: Very well done and much effort to take her and all the gear you need, a well erned pint i'd say... :b

5 stars..:)


needadreamgirl 21-07-2018 10:41 PM

Hello Phil brilliant photo of Pris on the beach, and She’s one good looking beach babe :drool.

Kats012 21-07-2018 10:58 PM

Lovely Pris.
some of the nicest pics of lovely Pris I'd say. The bikini fits her a treat and she looks very natural. a really great look for her and a great setting; well done!

HHDel 22-07-2018 02:15 AM

Very nice pics at the Sea...Pris makes a good figure in the Bikini...To bite:drool:drool:drool

carlys_guy 22-07-2018 02:46 AM

nice pics phil she looks good but maybe you should stick to the lighter dolls for a while to rest your back. have you tried a back brace to help when carrying your girls? may help couldn't hurt.


algaeholics 22-07-2018 07:16 AM

Great photo's Phil :tu

mi6c 22-07-2018 08:14 AM

Good stuff.
The nice pictures are certainly worth your considerable effort ... but I'll still support those mentioning you should be careful with your back.
Otoh, life is for living and you seem to enjoy this. :)

All the best.

psion satori 22-07-2018 08:47 AM

Great photos Phil :tu

Balls of steel man, balls of steel!!!


Haremlover 22-07-2018 10:50 AM

Simply stunning and please tell Pris it was worth the effort.

Our ladies find the beach a natural habitat.

Best wishes and congratulations on a wonderful photoset.


ARK ANGEL 22-07-2018 12:37 PM

A beautiful set of pics Phil, Pris is such a forum super star, i love to see her out and about.
I especially love her blue two piece, the colour suits her so well. :drool
Great job on the photoshoping, had me looking hard to see how you got her to stand till I scrolled on and all was revealed. ;)
Well done mate. :tu


Terranova 14-10-2019 01:11 PM

Great Work Phil !

I recognised that beach in Jersey, I was there years ago on my Honeymoon.
Lovely to see again, and with such beautiful subject matter !

All the best, Terranova.

dollman2 14-10-2019 04:56 PM

Great stuff Pris looks Great relaxing on the beach :tu:tu:b

shamus 14-10-2019 05:42 PM

great set matey.

Soe clever photo's and Loving the little wave that she gives to the bus :tu

Dollscience 10-07-2021 03:48 AM

Hi. What do people say when you photograph your doll in public? Are they fascinated about what's going on, friendly, curious. Is a positive experience, or are some people critical?

After Dark 10-07-2021 09:00 AM

Brilliant Phil ...Pris looks amazing and I can only echo what's been said before. You walk the walk in taking your lady outside for photo shoots.:b

Lulu1971 10-07-2021 11:07 AM

Great pictures, Pris looks like she's having a wonderful time :tu

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