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rentell 09-08-2020 12:30 PM

The Russians are coming,an AD arrives
At last got some photos done of "the Russian" ,sorry no names yet.

This was Pinkladies doll and sadly I forgot to record the next owners name who sold me the Doll.(maxdog15 previous owner, cheers Tommo)

So info for the doll;
Body 1
Weight 68½ lbs 31 kg approx
Two heads
Head 1 Victoria
Head 2 Elena
Height approx. 5’ 7” = 170.2cm

Made around 2011 so 9 years old and in incredible condition for her age.
Note the height ... she is HUGE , with heels she is almost as tall as me !

Also notice the weight, around this time other makes approached 100 lbs/ 45 kg !
She is almost lighter than my smaller dolls.

Remember reading about the skeleton and Oleg was an innovater using a plastic or nylon inserts for the joints.
And rather like the old Russian cars she feels very robust and still has all her joints sound but loosening

Sadly there is what you might call mold or should it be mould spots from storage but nothing too dramatic and they will go with time.
I have not edited these out, to much work , so blink and ignore the spots

So very pleased with her, now thoroughly cleaned inside and out ready for some photos.

Tommo10 09-08-2020 12:41 PM

I am really glad you are happy with her, they are big beautiful amazing dolls, you are so lucky ending up with two, and she a fantastic looking doll. :drool

I love your photos, damn it they are good:b:b:b

Thanks for sharing them.


PS. Maxdog15 ;)

rentell 09-08-2020 01:33 PM

Er....2 dolls! Tommo..I wish.

No one body and two heads :)

A few more, still sorting the new house so ignore the clutter

Not so little Devilgirl .... hehehe.

PDutus 09-08-2020 04:29 PM

Congratulations! What a lovely acquisition! :b I prefer the taller dolls :)

Great photos :tu

Haremlover 09-08-2020 07:41 PM

Ray - it's really WONDERFUL to see your enthusiasm back here with photos of these lovely ladies.



svevo 09-08-2020 07:51 PM

Congratulations - that was quick! :tu:
I've always admired the Anatomical dolls I've seen here and tdf, especially the heads. She looks amazing :b
I'm doubly amazed with the weight for the height and shape :)

HHDel 10-08-2020 02:13 AM

Only one Word...

Fantastic !!!:tu:b

mi6c 10-08-2020 07:38 AM

Good to see you again ... and with a legendary classic ... very nice!

rentell 10-08-2020 11:35 AM

Glad you like her ,she is a very fine doll

Over at ODC the American forum I visit Z-dr suggested a name from a cartoon ? he remembered ,the main characters being Boris and Natasha.

So bless her, her name is now BORIS....:24
But head #2 will be Natasha , have to be sensible some of the time !

One of the best things amongst many is that she really is a BIG girl, in those platform boots she is as tall as me at 6'1"... I like Boris

And here she is with the other two adopted dolls (I must be mad !!)

Smallest is a DS 160 and the other a Sino doll, will start their own threads later.

And heres a tip (double entendre intended) for nips, Boris's nip had lost some of their colour so used brown permanent felt tip pen to touch them up (oooh,I say) then dabbed talc over them .
Holding up (oooh again) really well

Willendorph 10-08-2020 02:40 PM

Is that a Nanase face on that DS160?

rentell 10-08-2020 03:17 PM

My word you know your DS faces and "Little Tiddler" as I affectionately nickname her is indeed NaNaSe

My other favorites are Serena and Fluer, I like the older faces they have more character but NaNaSe is so sweet and lives full time on the 160, the body suits her so well .
Will be putting up thread with her in soonish

darkangel65 13-08-2020 06:08 PM

Hi rental you can remove the mold and kill it but you will patience..
I had this problem with my realdoll when it was in storage for three months...same as your doll covered in mold caused from cold and damp conditions...I did a lot of research and the method I used was cotton wool and domestos need to basically soak the cotton wool in a cup and then place on areas affected by mold.. make sure the cotton wool is in close contact and leave it there

This took me three weeks to do...when the mold had disappeared

You then need to apply white vinegar and cleaning soda.mix to the areas again to make sure the mold is killed.
Make sure you use rubber.gloves and ventilate the room
Hope this helps

darkangel65 13-08-2020 06:16 PM

Ps guys this only works on silicone

rentell 13-08-2020 07:16 PM

Ah ... I new someone would have some experience of this .
Like you the dolls had to go into store for a long time , luckily it is mainly on the AD.

Many thanks for your tips , greatly appreciated :tu

darkangel65 13-08-2020 07:24 PM

No problem rental...I had to respond when I saw your doll
She is such a beautiful doll
Ps leave the cotton wool on for a least 8 hrs and you will need to check periodically...dont be disheartened on stubborn patches you just need to keep application going until they are totally gone

rentell 13-08-2020 07:31 PM

Again thanks, hopefully any new photos, when I get round to it ,should feature her spotless ..:)

rentell 14-08-2020 08:25 PM

And anyone with more knowledge of these dolls heads would be welcome, I have used the names given in Pinklady's original for sale ad.

So ,looked through all the posts and cannot make up my mind if the names are right...but they must be.

Head # 1 Victoria

Head # 2 Elena.

And which is which ?

As yet not come across these two names in any of the threads so far ....puzzled it is that I am ! :confused:

EDIT..... the names are correct and thanks to Flashgordoll's post that I have just found I now know which is which ...hooray.
So I will label the photos in my post just in case anyone else want's to ID the heads

rentell 03-09-2020 02:41 PM

And Borisa meets some of the other dolls, they look surprised and shocked at how BIG she is .

And last photo so far, what every well dressed doll wears ,very glam !:wtf

Paper towel soaked in vinegar and bi-card then covered in cling film ,yet to see if it works or not !

dollman2 03-09-2020 04:36 PM

:eek: soon it will be the height of fashion :D

just make sure the other girls know that is not why she is so tall :D they might all want them :tu

Tommo would like her :D her boobs are a great height :D :tu

PinkLady 07-09-2020 10:36 AM

Still looking good
Well, it is so nice to see that she is still about, a great shame that she has been neglected in a damp store.
When I sold here to the last owner she was in mint condition, not a mark on her. I believe he had just split up from his wife. He did not want her to know that he was buying her and that he would be storing Ulyana / Sashka in a garage. This unfortunately seems to have been her demise.
Up until this point she had only been photographed and admired and had never been used sexually.
Hope you manage to clear her mould.
Regards, Pink Lady......

rentell 07-09-2020 01:59 PM

I expect you are surprised to see her surface again:)

When you think she is 9 years old she is in remarkable condition.

That's the trouble with doll's, initially people are all over them ,then they cool off until eventually interest is lost.
They then end up getting stored, sometimes carelessly, going to the tip or getting sold on.

Always wanted an AD but at the time did not have the usable finance, then Oleg passed away so an adopted doll was the only option.

I must say when I said I wanted one on the forum I was very surprised after waiting 2 years to be offered this one.
I do not think many escaped Russia.

I seem to collect these dolls, I enjoy Borisa's presence and she is going to be a great photo model.
And as everyone seems to think in the history of dolls she is a collectors piece.

And a question if you would not mind ,I'm unsure if she is a body #1 or the later body#3 ?

I seem to remember reading that Oleg made a new model which he named a #1M which took over the # 1 spot.

And as anaside ,if you ever hear of a 1M model for sale do please let me know ....:)

PinkLady 14-09-2020 10:30 AM

Sure will Rentell. So glad she is now with someone who will not neglect her.
It took me about 4 months to get her from Oleg but eventually she arrived with no problems and held on to her for around six years.
I also used her crate as a storage cupboard built into the wall, i'll post some pics showing this.....
Pink Lady.

darkangel65 14-09-2020 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by rentell (Post 192375)
And Borisa meets some of the other dolls, they look surprised and shocked at how BIG she is .

And last photo so far, what every well dressed doll wears ,very glam !:wtf

Paper towel soaked in vinegar and bi-card then covered in cling film ,yet to see if it works or not !

Gotta be bleach m8...domestos

rentell 15-09-2020 07:34 PM

Thanks PinkLady for the photos ,before buying this doll i went through nearly all the posts on AD's if could find.
Not that many around sadly, she is a great doll.

OK darkangel65, thats the next thing to try enmass.
I have tried bleach cautiously in one spot so we will see what happens.:)

Haremlover 15-09-2020 08:35 PM

She appears to have had quite a reception committtee

B est wishes


1stCameraMan 06-04-2021 12:01 AM

Very photogenic doll

GotDolls 06-04-2021 11:00 AM

Did anyone else that from some angles she looks like Servalan?

rentell 06-04-2021 12:11 PM

Bit late.....:o...thanks HL, have too many dolls again !

Indeed she is 1stCameraMan, a very lifelike model.

My bad, never caught the series GotDolls, perhaps its the cropped hair that makes her look like Jacqueline Pearce from some angles.

darkangel65 06-04-2021 06:48 PM

Hi rentals how did you get on with mold?

rentell 06-04-2021 07:15 PM

Hi Dark

Sadly real life and not being very well has precluded any further work on her, but hopefully will tackle it again soon.

My DS 167 has also had this problem even though washed and powdered before being stored and she had some mold forming
Tried the bleach on her and it worked so here's hoping it will do the Biz on the AD

Thanks For asking :tu

Haremlover 06-04-2021 10:31 PM

Sorry to hear that you haven't been well but glad to hear still in the land of the living. Thought you'd been a bit quiet recently.

Best wishes


rentell 08-04-2021 07:59 AM

Thanks HL ,yes still above ground, quiet, well yes, just not much to say at the moment. :)

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