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philinotstine 11-03-2015 07:23 AM

Can you guess?
Can anyone guess the movie these shots of Pris is copying?
A few clues...
It was made in the 70's
It was very controversial
The iconic poster for the film had the main female star wearing a different
hat to the one shown here(part of the controversy) but she did briefly wear the top hat in it also.

Wulfie 11-03-2015 07:30 AM

Seems familiar but the braces are in the way :D More clues please :tu

philinotstine 11-03-2015 07:38 AM

Ok Wulfie. Original star a little less well endowed than Pris but at least her braces aren't in the way. ;)

Joe Bin 11-03-2015 07:46 AM

Your photos make me think of the 1972 movie "Cabaret" which was a film that pushed allot of boundaries at the time.

philinotstine 11-03-2015 07:50 AM

I definately see where you're coming from Joe and you're quite warm on the setting but this movie was far more controversial.

Wulfie 11-03-2015 08:02 AM
That pic is so hot, Charlotte Rumpling one of my favourites :drool:drool:drool

Got it but I've never seen the film just the alternate headgear.


Kate Kane 11-03-2015 10:39 AM

Ah yes, I remember the kerfuffle at the time of its release. Something of a departure for Dirk Bogarde too. Forget the 50 Shades fairy tale nonsense - that's how to depict a sado/masochistic relationship.

ARK ANGEL 11-03-2015 11:21 AM

Well, are we guessing, or just saying we get it?:rolleyes:
If the her characters name was Lucia Atherton, then me too.
But Pris is a far better view for my tastes any day.:tu


Karrot 11-03-2015 06:14 PM

No clue, but then im not that old :21:21:21 sorry, i'll get me coat :D

But Pris in braces :drool:drool:drool:drool


cuddly 11-03-2015 08:28 PM

Oh yes, I can totally remember, the story caused quite a stir here in Germany...

... more than five years prior to my birth :D:21:21:21

Yeah, coat, bye. CU cuddly and Lian

Dongo 11-03-2015 09:13 PM

Wow :drool:drool:drool sorry, what was the question, again?

Ursa_Major 11-03-2015 09:29 PM

I know this one too. Shame Pris' braces didn't slip off to the side too. :drool:drool

Joe Bin 12-03-2015 05:18 AM

OK, I know it now. I never watched the movie, but I can vaguely recall some talk about it at the time.
I agree with Ursa_Magor about the braces though.:drool

philinotstine 12-03-2015 06:05 AM

One of the original posters.I edited out the "offending" insignia in case I get in trouble yet again.
Pris in slightly different pose?
There ya go then...

ARK ANGEL 12-03-2015 08:52 AM

Yep, I wasn't too young to watch it, but was too young to be allowed to.:mad:

I eventually saw it only like 15-20 years ago or something, still a bit of a shocker.:eek:


Samurai 12-03-2015 04:54 PM

Who Cares

:drool :drool :drool :drool

:drool :drool :drool :drool

Joe Bin 13-03-2015 04:41 AM

Much better place for the suspenders:tu:tu:tu:drool:drool:drool

philinotstine 14-03-2015 10:02 AM

Ok heres the real McCoy. ease don't think I'm pro-nazi I just think Pris (and Charlotte) look so sexy dressed like this.

cuddly 14-03-2015 11:57 AM

Holy cow, Phil, these pics are great! Really nice resemblance, besides maybe sizewise (no complaint :D) ;)

In Germany the possession of that hat could be illegal, though, because those symbols are (still?) banned! IIRC even as a private historical collection...
Online pics aren't an issue though.

Besides the initial joking I really didn't know the movie before, but after Wulfie named the actress, the leading online search engine quickly resolved the mystery. :rolleyes:

CU cuddly and Lian

minato 14-03-2015 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by cuddly (Post 78513)
In Germany the possession of that hat could be illegal, though, because those symbols are (still?) banned! IIRC even as a private historical collection...

In France too... You may have a vampire at home here but this kind of hat, no.

Please note, i'n not choked. :)

Dongo 14-03-2015 09:36 PM

:drool:drool:drool:drool Great pics of a lovely lady!!:tu:tu

Wulfie 14-03-2015 09:38 PM

Excellent and hot :tu


Ursa_Major 14-03-2015 10:42 PM

To be honest I wasn't looking at the cap as I was distracted by a couple of other things. ;) :drool:drool

I haven't seen the film but I remember reading that it was quite controversial back in the day.

Haremlover 15-03-2015 12:40 AM


It's nice to see Pris having fun!

Best wishes


philinotstine 19-04-2015 10:32 AM

Keeping to a similar theme the gorgeous Scarlet Johansen played this character Silken Floss in the film The Spirit a couple of years ago.
Here she is alongside Pris imitating her role.

A couple of small dollmaker firms have created Silken Floss dolls already...

... Pris is probably the first life size doll to take on the role.

Once again I must emphasise I find the asthetic look of the uniform of interest and definately not the politics and ideology behind it.

ARK ANGEL 19-04-2015 11:33 AM

That syringe! I just don't trust her with it.
Even though, she could maybe persuade me to get closer, if she took off her coat... perhaps a few buttons... uh, I better stop now.


dollman2 19-04-2015 11:45 AM

:eek: Priss With a syringe :eek:

although Priss :drool:drool:drool:drool my main worry is what comes after the syringe ?? a cleaver maybe :eek: :wall

the Question is Is it worth being dismembered for an oggle of priss :confused:

Definitely :drool:drool:drool

Dongo 19-04-2015 04:25 PM

Very good pics Pris, but please put that syringe down!:eek:

revoL annaerB 19-04-2015 09:46 PM

Ah the syringe doesn't bother me, my windows are shut, the door is locked and I will have my head under the perceived safety of my duvet tonight:eek::confused: and, as far as I am aware, Pris is still on the island so I'm safe:D:p

Interesting photos and a very good likeness to that lass, Silken Floss:tu

Kate Kane 19-04-2015 11:07 PM

Paris looks like she's quite keen on a spot of firm discipline :eek:.

The only trouble may be what comes after the syringe. Has she got a dentist's drill?

"is it safe?" .......... aaaarrrrggghhhh

Joe Bin 20-04-2015 06:22 AM

The likeness is great:tu:tu:tu But the seringe reminds me of the last time I got a tetanus shot :eek:

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