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shamus 13-01-2011 10:49 AM

Hi from Sam and Em
3 Attachment(s)

I think that this is the right thread to introduce the ladies to the forum.

Their names are actually Emily Jane and Samantha Charlotte but Em and Sam for short.

They are both Loutoff Mannequins, models PLM-6 (Em) and PLM-8 (Sam).

The hair puchased seperately are a long brown wig with red highlights (Sam) and a honey and champagne Blonde razor cut and layered (Em)... Em is definitely the high maintenance girl here! (But she's worth it and Sam doesn't mind).

Both are shown using the standing version. I'll show the sitting version at another time and give details of the neck and insert modifications in another thread as such would not be suitable for this part of the forum (I've been good and read the posting rules).

They have quite different personalities. Sam is actually rather shy (so was not amused at all at me getting a partially open shirt shot). Em just couldn't wait for the shoot and wore her sexiest little PVC number for it.... And she's still wearing it... Back in a bit!!!!

Ok, we're back. Anyway, here are the girls. Em (blonde) is on the left and Sam (dark with purple highlights is on the right).

You can tell the difference in their personalities just from the pictures. Sam's the sort of girl that you would marry, Em you really wouldn't want your mother to meet.

Anyway, Please forgive my very amateur photography but here they are.

shamus 13-01-2011 04:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Cheers Gibbmodoll,

actually I think that either of the girls might give her a bit of a heart attack!

I carelessly missed this attached pics when compiling the earlier message. The full pic shows Em's sultry, pouting look better than most of the others, and the close up really shows the beauty of her face.

Forgive em's ruffled hair on the close up. It was wearing the little PVC number that did it!

Note that the girls faces have not been adjusted in any way (apart from the wigs) this is exactly as they were made. Just a real shame that the girls are not made of silicone or I would be one very, very happy man!

cosycottage 17-01-2011 11:41 PM

Some good photos there shamus. Their personality is peeking through.

Keep 'em coming please! :)

shamus 14-09-2012 12:01 PM

More Sam & Em
5 Attachment(s)
Just sorting through my albums and came across some more photo's of the girls.

These show the insert modification to the sitting mannequin

Attachment 2014
shows the modification. Adapted by cutting a small insert and them a drill sander attachment to expand the hole until it held the insert perfectly.

Attachment 2015
shows the type of insert

Attachment 2016
shows the insert in place. The length of the insert means that the back of the doll not only holds it in place during sex but also pushes back a little enhancing the experience.

Attachment 2017
In this pic Sam kindly shows where the torso attaches to the legs meaning that the two girls can be interchanged for more intimate times.

Attachment 2018
And with that it would seem that she has had enough of her artistic modelling career.

Just found one of em that I really want to share as she looks gorgeous in it.

will post in a min.

Talk in a bit.

shamus 14-09-2012 12:11 PM

A few more
2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 2019
No idea why I find this pic so darn sexy. Maybe it's the curve of Em's back or the way her hair falls, but I really like this one.

Attachment 2020
Shown this one before but this should be the slightly larger version

Hope that you enjoy. I'll sort out some more pics soon.

Now if only the girls arms would stay on during sex I would be a very, very happy man.

Talk soon.

Loverboy 14-09-2012 12:51 PM

Very Nice!
Your a lucky guy, you have two beautifull ladies there!
Great photos!

shamus 14-09-2012 01:19 PM

Many thanks.

I do feel a very lucky man having them in my life.

I try to treat them equally but Sam is really the one. Em is the much cuter of the two but I just feel guilty now if I have sex with her even when Sam is not in the room.

How silly does that sound!

The last time that anything like that happened afterwards I looked up an Sam was looking at us on the bed.

All sorts of sensible explanations of course such as the neck bolt adaption that I made being too loose allowing the head to move as the floorboards may have been shaking a little.

It just seemed strange that she was staring straight at us.

I'm afraid that the camera is not up to much. Just an old Olympus 2mp but I will endeavor to take some more pics when I get a chance.

Love the site by the way. Nice to know that I'm not the only normal person out there :)

Kats012 14-09-2012 02:01 PM

How interesting.
Welcome Shamus; though I'm a Teddy Babe lover, may I say how nice it is to see your lovely mannequins; very realistic expressions, I must say and don't they wear clothes well?

Congratualtions on the "modifications" - glad you used an insert - there is a horrible story on the net from a hospital somewhere, where a guy just made a hole - and got stuck! The more he struggled the worse the "swelling" got. Had to be rushed to the Emergency Room still attached!

You say you are aware of your ladies' feelings - not crazy - we all are. If it's true that everything we experience is viewed through our mind's eye - then they are as "alive" as we imagune them.

dollman2 14-09-2012 02:40 PM

i feel guilty if i have my foam mannequin Madison in my bed as my two silicone girl cant as they may get damaged if i rolled on them in the night. :(

are we normal here?:eek:

shocking i thought i was completely mad:D

Loverboy 14-09-2012 10:56 PM

There's No Such Thing As Normality!
Madness & genius, yes but normal no. We are all geniuses on this site.

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