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Muninn 28-06-2020 04:52 PM

Lynne in "Alice and the Mystery Box"
This has been a little time in coming - I've been working on this on and off since the lockdown began, sadly work got in the way, and I was being annoyingly perfectionist as usual! However, here we are, I am pleased to present the premiere of Lynne's first "feature film" - "Alice and the Mystery Box"! It's a story in five acts, so I will post a new act or two every couple of days, because I like the suspense :D Hope you enjoy it, it's our first big budget motion(less) picture, we had a budget of several million dozen pounds, most of which went on Lynne's dress!

As usual, you can click the images to see them full size, some are better resolution than others.

So, popcorn ready... no throwing it around at the back please!


Meet Alice. She's no ordinary young woman, but that's no bad thing:

As a baby, she was abandoned, and was taken in by the mysterious Doctor Bogenbroom. He raised her in his own home, an old mansion out in the remote countryside.

When she turned 18, Alice was given her own house on the grounds - a quaint turreted gatehouse. She's lived there ever since, but still visits the mansion often. Not all was rosy though.

A couple of years ago, she had a nasty accident out horse riding. Battered and bruised, she damaged her hand. The hospital patched her up, but they said she would never be able to use it properly again. She's still very self-conscious about it.

One day, she made her regular visit to the mansion, where she would have lunch with the Doctor. After dinner, they started discussing her hand:

"I really do wish something could be done, I'm really self-conscious about it!" exclaimed Alice.
"Yes, I know it is causing you problems" said the Doctor. "I think there might just be a solution though. It won't be easy though!"
"So long as I can have two good hands again, I'll do anything!"
"Well... you'll need to find an old wooden box. I've left it somewhere in the old part of the house. I don't really know where as it was a long time ago. Find that box, and I might be able to help you."

(Follow Alice's adventure in Act II, coming soon!)

Amydoll 28-06-2020 05:00 PM

Love it, great intro. looking forward to part 2:tu

algaeholics 28-06-2020 05:28 PM

Indeed, beautifully presented! :tu

Dongo 28-06-2020 05:34 PM

Great stuff - looking forward to the next episode!:b

carlys_guy 29-06-2020 01:44 AM

bravo great story we can't wait for the next chapter.


Danae Szerelem 29-06-2020 07:06 AM

Where can be this wooden box ?? :confused:

Alice will have to search all over this old house and we hope for her that nothing wrong will happen to her she's so lovely !! :tu

PDutus 29-06-2020 07:26 AM

:b Excellent work :tu

Looking forward to the next instalment :)

Muninn 29-06-2020 04:59 PM

Thank you all! Danae, you'll be pleased to know that Alice is tougher than she looks! :)

Well, without further ado, here is Act 2! I'll have to split it into two posts as otherwise the forum software gets upset...

Alice knew she had to explore the lesser used, and often derelict parts of the mansion... but where to start? She wandered around the outside of the buildings, looking for an interesting way in:

"Ha! I should tell Doc that I found his car. He said he forgot where he parked it, and that was 10 years ago. Oops! Anyway, this way I think."

"This door looks promising. I don't think I've ever been in here before"

Alice started to work her way around the maze of dark and dusty rooms. "I didn't know we had a snooker table. Looks like someone has been playing on it recently though. Strange."

"How on earth do we need a SECOND library in this place... the other one is massive already! Some interesting looking books, I might have to take another look later!"

"And of course, no library should be complete without a secret door behind some shelves..."

Muninn 29-06-2020 05:01 PM

The secret door led to some stairs, and she went down into the cellars of the mansion:

Alice heard some movement in a side room. On investigation it turned out to be someone familiar - the Groundskeeper! "What are you doing down here?" she asked. "I also keep an eye on the dungeons" said the Groundskeeper. "I didn't know we had any dungeons! Very well, I'll leave you to it then!".

Having found nothing in the cellars, Alice returned upstairs. "I really don't know where this box could be! Perhaps I need to go to the top floor?"

"I reckon this corridor needs a lick of fresh paint! Hmm, what's in this room... looks like a store room of some sort."

Alice started searching through the attic room. Something down in a corner caught her eye: "This must be it!" Brushing off a dusty wooden box, she made her way out of the room, and somewhere where she could take a better look.

Finally, I'm somewhere safe where I can get this box opened. I really want to know what's inside.

Oh no, it's locked! But I know where the key might be... back to the drawing room!


Find out what's inside the box in Act 3, coming up (hopefully) tomorrow!

algaeholics 29-06-2020 05:22 PM

Are you SURE you should open this box...? :eek:

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