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Wulfie 16-05-2013 08:15 PM

The day out.

It was all go in Wulfies lair, Agnetha and Juliet were getting ready to go into town, Inga and Gypsy were burning breakfast in the kitchen whilst Luna was in the letter box waiting to ambush the poor postman. The look of horror on his face yesterday as a tiny little clawed hand snatched the mail from him as he went to insert it was priceless and I could see us being put on the ‘barred from delivery’ list again. Last time it was only Pagan answering the door naked for a registered package. Poor postie beat a hasty retreat when she signed for it in blood.

It was then that I checked with Ebay and found that I’d been refunded for the ‘missing clothes’ that Luna was so desperate for..........lost in post was the phrase, damn, better get her away from the door.

A short blast on the dog whistle and the little lycanthrope was suddenly there in front of me.

“How do you fancy a day out?”
“Go on, why, it’s my new clothes, isn’t it........”

Hmmph, no flies on this one. She took the news quite well and with the promise of calling on Gibbmodoll as a sweetner we set off, the little madam being designated to the rear compartment with the mutts. A few errands in Hereford and then out into the sticks.

We arrived at the legendry home of the dolls.

But Gibbmodoll wasn’t at home

Wulfie then remembered a place they could go to, a very very special place.........

Wulfie 16-05-2013 08:30 PM

White cotton wool clouds started to cover the blue sky, gliding slowly overhead in the gusty wind as the wulfmobile chugged slowly along the winding country lanes and then off into side roads which got narrower and narrower as the journey progressed. It was evident that there had been some serious rainfall in the previous twenty-four hours as torrents of water cascaded down the narrow lane which suddenly climbed steeply up into the unknown. The hedges towering upwards, closed in blocking all views to the sides and just making a green tunnel, up which they slowly travelled. Then after what seemed like an eternity it was back into the light, the lane suddenly opened up and levelled out and the party found themselves travelling along the top of a ridge with the Black Mountains on their left and the Golden Valley down below. They had arrived...........

“A pile of, yeah, borrrrrrrrrrring..........”

“Humour me, a few pics”

"Okay..........just a few.....then we go"

“Go on then, the rocks.........”

“Hurry up, you’re knickers and this stone is cold.”

Luna settled into a small alcove on the face of the capstone, a little niche which cradled her tiny body perfectly and as she stared out towards the Black Mountains her face glazed over as the sacred place worked it’s magic..........

She then remembered what Agnetha had told her about Arthurs Stone, the place where rituals of the ancestors, through whom claims to a particular area of land could be staked, had taken place for over 5000yrs. Built in an area of summer pastures, Neolithic people gathered at the cairn on a seasonal basis. The tomb was been linked to King Arthur and according to legend, it was here that Arthur slew a giant who left the impression of his elbows on one of the stones as he fell. The very spot where Luna sat..........

and the day was suddenly soooooooooo good.

“Hey Wulfie, can we come here’s such a cool place.”

I know we will........................


Karrot 16-05-2013 08:57 PM

Cute! :D :D

But shame about the clothes


dollman2 16-05-2013 09:00 PM

great to see the ladies out and about.

philinotstine 16-05-2013 09:17 PM

Great pics of the delectable Luna, Wulfie. Awesome scenery and ,well, Aggggiiiieeeeee!

Kate Kane 16-05-2013 10:26 PM

When you mentioned 'a special place' I had a feeling you were heading to Arthur's Stone. It certainly is a captivating place and the perfect setting for some great photos. Shame about Luna's new clothes though.

Dongo 16-05-2013 10:32 PM

Excellent production! Have you got a choc-ice please? ;)

Ursa_Major 17-05-2013 12:17 AM

Luna has to be the cutest werewolf ever. :happy

Great story and good to see Arthur's Stone again, especially with Agnetha sitting on it. :tu

Wulfie 17-05-2013 01:02 AM

The bright side, I opened a dispute on Ebay over the missing goods and they reimbursed me. Now to find another set of togs for a minime.................:mad:

Cyber Ted 17-05-2013 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Wulfie (Post 42252)
The bright side, I opened a dispute on Ebay over the missing goods and they reimbursed me. Now to find another set of togs for a minime.................:mad:

Glad you got your money back, do you ever have a deal that goes completely smooth. :)

Have you tried Argos for some clothes for Luna, when I was looking for items for the phicen dolls I saw a few there that unfortunately were no use for the phicens due to their ermm, .. anatomy. They should however fit Luna nicely.


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