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Old 29-06-2020, 05:01 PM
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Muninn Muninn is offline
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The secret door led to some stairs, and she went down into the cellars of the mansion:

Alice heard some movement in a side room. On investigation it turned out to be someone familiar - the Groundskeeper! "What are you doing down here?" she asked. "I also keep an eye on the dungeons" said the Groundskeeper. "I didn't know we had any dungeons! Very well, I'll leave you to it then!".

Having found nothing in the cellars, Alice returned upstairs. "I really don't know where this box could be! Perhaps I need to go to the top floor?"

"I reckon this corridor needs a lick of fresh paint! Hmm, what's in this room... looks like a store room of some sort."

Alice started searching through the attic room. Something down in a corner caught her eye: "This must be it!" Brushing off a dusty wooden box, she made her way out of the room, and somewhere where she could take a better look.

Finally, I'm somewhere safe where I can get this box opened. I really want to know what's inside.

Oh no, it's locked! But I know where the key might be... back to the drawing room!


Find out what's inside the box in Act 3, coming up (hopefully) tomorrow!
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