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Old 01-07-2020, 07:49 PM
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Muninn Muninn is offline
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Here comes Act III! (in two posts again)


Eventually, Alice makes her way out of the abandoned part of the house, and back to the warmth and safety of the drawing room.

"Well I'm finally back somewhere less creepy and cobwebby. Now, to get the box unlocked. Good thing I knew where all the random old keys are kept."

"This one should do it..." The lock clicks open. "Better go and grab a chair, it's probably safer if there's any surprises!"

"Right, here goes..." The hinges on the box creak as Alice opens it:

"It looks like an old writing box, very nice. Smells a bit strange. Hmmm... there's a compartment here where all the writing equipment goes - let's have a look..."

"A hand! What the...!"

"Eek! I'm sure it just moved!"

The hand stretches, letting out a yawn, and a sign. Alice screams, then passes out for a moment!

(continued in next post... what a good place for a mid-act cliffhanger! )
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