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Old 09-11-2020, 11:13 AM
shamus shamus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
Posts: 9,060

Hiya cabbage,

welcome to the forum matey

found this gif the other day that I think really captures the look of us as the van pulls up at the door. This should definitely be called the delivery dance.

So, I'm assuming as noted by Algae that the box has arrived.

No doubt you are currently going through the "That can't be just 32kg!". If you have issues getting her out of the box just post and we'll tell you how to do it.

Don't be put off by the weight. I think that they feed them too much before they leave the factory as within a few days of her being with you she will be (or at least seem to be) much lighter.

A sweet smell on arrival is quite natural as no matter the TPE blend they always lose a very small amount of excess oil. Sometimes it has a scent to it, sometimes it doesn't. It's been years though since the room clearing smells of a certain manufacturer who has now really turned their game around (so won't use their name as it's a long past issue).

On the washing and powdering. Make sure that she is absolutely dry in every nook and crannie before powdering or the powder can congeal on her skin. With talc that doesn't matter so much but with Cornflour its organic so can cause mold.

Personally my girls only get cleaned with extra virgin olive oil on microfibre cloth, not water. I do use cornflour but they are always completely dry. Just something to look out for.

Everyone finds their own way of keeping their grls clean in the same way that everyone applies their makeup differently. There are no prescribed appraoches, just what works for you which generally starts with picvking up bits and peices from others and then adapting them a little to your own routine.

Only compulsory part is that you have to talk to them whilst you are cleaning them

Hope that you are having fun getting acquainted.

All the best,

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