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Old 11-02-2021, 01:08 PM
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Gavla82 Gavla82 is offline
The Shoe Shrine
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Originally Posted by Karrot View Post
This all said though, I wouldnt have thought that black nylons would stain anyway. They are made from dark nylon which is coloured in the manufacturing of the nylon, not dyed after production, so there is no way for the dye to be released from them.

Of course anything with cotton blended in such as heavier deniers or stockings with lace tops have the potential to leach dye, so care should be taken with those.

Possibly, I just don't want to run the risk. I remember the heart ache I had when I bought a dress for my old girl and it stained her. So learnt a lot from that experience and would be mortified if any staining happened to Chloe. Especially as the Kimberdoll does seem to sweat a bit more, evident with bum prints on my bed sheets haha. these are a good alternative to "skin" as well then the more sheer tights on top.
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