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Old 28-07-2021, 09:38 AM
Lovedoll_co_uk Lovedoll_co_uk is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
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Originally Posted by Karlos View Post
More likely a matter of taking into account the largest possible breast size when figuring out the depth of the box, which is going to be at odds with underbed storage.
You know there's always going to be that one doll owner with breasts that have their own gravitational pull kicking up a stink that he bought a case and can't close the lid
that's definitely a good point and one we've considered also. The main point of a storage case for most people is the concealment factor. Yes, a storage case physically stops people from seeing the doll but you still may need to offer an explanation when people see the case itself. So, ideally, it would be thin enough to go under a bed - then it's both out of sight and secure.

The issue is, that the cases we get are a set size. So I'm guessing, they have machinery, casts etc set up for certain sizes and we'd need to prove that another size would sell in considerable proportions.

Anyway, I totally agree with you, so I've asked the question again more specifically if we could get a custom size.

The next question is, exactly what height would be right?
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