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Old 28-08-2021, 09:59 AM
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the living tribunal the living tribunal is offline
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Thinking about the head mismatch: as long as it isn't too obvious, does it really matter when one is absorbed in, er, 'overwhelmingly stimulating activities'?

Case in point: some years ago there was a video game mod that used images from several sources for sprites and wall textures; some people complained, e.g., that the hands holding the weapons didn't match. Hadn't noticed it, as I was too busy killing zombies and enemy soldiers and using 'real' weapons instead of the fictitious ones in the game.

Anyways, this is what I'm used to right now: Debbie says "Hi!"

"So you're The Living Tribunal, right? Well then, JUDGE me! Judge me NOW!"

Yes, I hear my goddess calling, but so are the gods, and Lord Nikon wants his due ...

She's 20 years old, been patched up half a dozen times, and wearing crap H&M lingerie from the dark ages, but do you think I care?

Doll by some sex shop in Soho. Lingerie by H&M and a car boot stall under the arches across from Liverpool Sreet BR somewhere in 1997. Vaginal insert by FleshLite. Cat by Cuddle Toys.

Debbie's an inflatable, stuffed with rags, cut in half and stretched to around 5'7" - did I mention that I like them tall - and patched with duct tape. The FleshLite is a Stoya the Destroyer model, and it does I got the wig from a joke shop; she was originally blonde, but I find the sultry brunette much sexier :

The point is, when Debbie and I are doing our thing I don't stop to check if her head to body ratio is an exact multiple of pi/2, nor that part of her lips are green, nor that her boobs are black when the rest of her is pink. I get totally immersed, and that's how it should be.

After this, a 198 atop a 174G should be a piece of cake

Originally Posted by shamus View Post
N97 tan!!!!!
Sorry to interupt the flow. Just read N97 and got excited that there were two of them here
Derail away, we're all off the bloody things here anyway

Last edited by the living tribunal; 28-08-2021 at 11:15 AM.
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