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Old 08-05-2022, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Willus View Post
But they're basically scam artists preying on the fact that most people who will buy from them are people making impulse purchases after finding a cheap option. They're banking on the fact that the majority of people won't contest a wrongly advertised doll because they either don't know any better or they're embarrassed to do so.

From what I understand they have been made aware of the copyright infringement of their images a long time ago and yet they persist in using those images without consent.

Either they don't know the products they sell and are incapable of comparing an image to a physical object or they are knowingly continuing to falsely advertise using Mandos' images to promote completely different (and lower quality) products.

That is utterly disgusting, and if it were any other industry they'd have been crushed in court long ago. It's like selling a VW Golf using images of a Mercedes A180. Telling them to "sort their shit out" as I did and you edited is being POLITE. I don't understand why they're allowed to be here and take advantage of free publicity.

If they had any integrity they would have removed those images long ago and diligently checked every single image they are provided by their suppliers moving forward. They didn't do that, so I have to assume they are deliberate scammers.
Hi Willus, I just like to give people the benifit of the doubt, and maybe even give second chances to people who may have changed their ways.

That's not to say you are wrong, in fact you make valid points but i prefer to get as many facts as i can before i judge and get the other parties side of the story.

I read above that these are the photos sent to them from their supplier, if this is true then initialy they are not directly responsible, however once informed that these photos are "Stolen" Or not an acurate description of the item they are selling then at this point if they do nothing to correct this then they do become jointly responsible for "scamming thier customers" and if we allow them to advertise on this site and do nothing the we are also in some way responsible for new doll owners getting something that they have not paid for or buying a fake doll etc..

But there are ways of dealing with this other than going straight for the jugular, It's nice to be nice.

I refer to a scene in the movie Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze when he says Be nice untill it's time not to be nice....

Love that bit..

We are on it ( In a nice way)

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