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Old 14-05-2022, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by nucleo View Post
I'd like to pay you a visit before purchase. Could we arrange maybe 6-7 dolls instead of just the 2 for inspection?
Actually.... In your other post you said that they charge £50 deposit so 6-7 dolls is surely 3 deposits all of which you will get back against your actual purchase.

I know that if I visited I would want every box of the same head opened to compare them all and see which one smiled at me. (Like when you are adopting a puppy, the one you take is the one that comes to you).

I bought three SM #89 (which is also SE #8) heads from them. Very nice lil Pixie head... But had I inspected them first I would have only given Pheobe a golden ticket as she radiates more personlity than the other two combined (see my Avatar with all three of them trying to be in the pic. Pheobe is at the front with the pink hair. Esme has the mean eyes. Mindee has the blonde hair).

Its not just comparing diferent brands or different models. No two girls are exactly the same.

I can see their reason for charging the fee as it encourages potential purchasers to go through with the purchase rather than time waste but so long as you actually give someone (or some two or three) a home does it really matter how many you examine first?

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