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Old 22-06-2022, 05:53 PM
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Default Dressing up in tights

A funny little story I put together after Sasha persuaded Rachel to get tights for Gavla's black hosiery photo challenge.


*thinking* This looks like a fun challenge. Black tights. I wish I could do it.

Hey, Sasha, what are you up to?
One of Lulu’s friends has posted a photo challenge about black tights. His girl, Chloe, is demonstrating what they want to see.

You could do it.
Why would I want to do that? Tights aren’t sexy.
They can be. It depends what you wear them with and how you pose.
I’ll do it if you do it.
Go on. They’ve all seen you in a skirt and no one said anything mean. In fact, they were all pretty accepting, so why would it be any different if you wear tights?
I suppose.
Anyway, it’s about time you got out of bed. You’ve been hogging it for days. You look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge.
I, um, I had a restless night.

*giggles* Yes, we heard.
Oh, God.

What did you get?
Skulls. I have a top they will go with.
What did you get?
Plain black opaque.
That’s boring, Sasha. Why not fishnets?
Because it says on the post sheer or opaque tights, not fishnets and not stockings.
Rules are meant to be broken.
If you were that keen on breaking them, you’d have got fishnet stockings.

What do you think? Is it okay?
You look hot! Wow. Wait till Lulu sees you. You’ll be back in that bed faster than you can say your own name!
Shut up.

You look like a sexy goth or rock girl.
Nailed it, then. Let’s get the camera out and do some photos for the challenge.

Don’t smile, doofus. Look all moody and sultry.

Better. It’s a wrap.

My turn.
Don’t scowl like that. You look like a serial killer.
Thanks a lot. I’m not going to grin like a Cheshire cat.
Just don’t scowl.

Perfect. They’ll love it. Turn around the other way. I know at least one of Lulu’s friends who would love a shot of your butt.

This one’s for you, Adam. Hey, when are you coming over to brush my hair again? It’s getting a little tangled here.
Carpe Diem

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