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Old 28-06-2022, 04:52 PM
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shamus shamus is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
Posts: 9,060

Welcome back to the fold happyapples... Sorry, having a bit of a brain fog... I'm pretty sure that I remember the Irontech girl that you had. Wasn't she the one that had a coin shaped TPE fault on her chest that looked like something made of silicone had been against it... Hang on a sec... sure if I search I've got enough to go on to find you again...

Were you biscuitsnotbisquits?

Wow! When you were last on I only had four girls... And one of those was a Teddy babe. Things have changed here in the Shire a bit in your absence.

Anyway, welcome back and worry not, you're treated the same here as everyone else.... We take the piss out of everyone equally regardless of their race, religion, age, sexuality, pronouns or length of their ears... But not about their race, religion, age, sexuality, pronouns or length of their ears.

All the best,

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