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Old 03-08-2022, 06:20 PM
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Default Award Nomination - Algaeholics

Whilst there are many of the usual suspects here who deserve awards for everything that they have done for the site and the hobby in general... Tommo springs immediately to mind... I could keep going but this is just about one member (for now).

As well as for being a genuinely nice guy and all round team player.

For all his work going above and beyond in attempting to nail down the regulations around the import of dolls including size, what is deemed by the authorities as obscene and general attempting to make them share information that if you get it wrong you are in trouble but they refuse to tell you what wrong is.

Additionally for organising the Zoom meets which at times must feel like attempting to nail a jellyfish to a wall in controlling the group of (lovable) reprabates on this site

And possibly thirdly although there is financial gain involved in this bit so possibly cannot be included) for Allie industries contribution to the hobby from eye lids so that they can sleep at night to eye backs to make our lives easier (plus headstands and follow you eyes and foot protectors).

I believe that Algaeholics deserves recognition for his efforts with a Gold star award.

Now, whose going to second that?

All the best,


Last edited by shamus; 03-08-2022 at 06:43 PM.
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