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Old 20-09-2022, 11:03 PM
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shamus shamus is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
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welcome to the forum Eden... I know, we don't know what he means either. Who could nopt be ok with an Elf??? Every house needs at least one... To keep the door open whils twenty more run through.

nrop. The bent neck is fine. Rather than crushed they actually pack them like that in the factory to prevent impact damage. Full dolls of course are different in that they have much better packaging.

You may find that the torso is very oily for starters. No idea why that is as they make them from the same stuff as the full dolls but the torso's tend to sweat more. Jut use loads of cornflour on it and it will sort out it.

Anyway, back to Eden. Hi again babe. Tulip, Crocus and Daffodil saw your pic and just got veru excited that there's another SM #63 on the site... Thats what you are you know. Lucid don't say but you ask your uncle Shamus and I'll tell you no lies.

Just realised that although all three of my SM #63's have bodies (two on Irontech 150A's and one on a WM 136... There is sod all difference in height!) I don't have a pic of all of them together so your sisters will have to say hi seperately.




Right, not tell nrop that you'll only behave yourself if he promises to buy you an Irontech 150A for Christmas

Have fun on the site hun. If you need contact details for any of the other Elves here, the Shire home for wayward Elves or the National Elf Service just shout up bab.

Great to have another Elf in the family here.

Talk soon hun,

Uncle Shamus.
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