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Old 20-01-2023, 12:16 PM
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Lulu1971 Lulu1971 is offline
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Default Sasha's Makeover

Giving Sasha a makeover was something I put on my New Year's Resolution list, and I thought I would share it, firstly so you can see I've done it, and secondly because I thought it might be helpful to newbies.

Sasha as he was before I started.

Carefully removing his eyelashes with tweezers. I tease the lash off the TPE with one pair of tweezers holding the lash and another pair holding the skin so it doesn't tear. Obviously I can't demonstrate that in the photo, not enough hands!

I removed his eyes so I wouldn't get glue on them or anything else, then removed all of his makeup with a combination of baby wipes with baby oil on, and cotton buds dipped in oil to get the smaller areas.

A clean pallet.

After leaving for half an hour for the baby oil to soak in, I applied cornflour with a large soft brush. I use baby powder on the bodies, but Adam gave me the tip that cornflour makes the face feel soft and silky so I switched, and this has a much nicer finish.

Eyelashes - the upper ones, longish and bushy (Primark special), and the lower sparse ones which I find are brilliant, particularly for guys (obtained from the Doll House), plus Loctite Superglue gel for application.

One of the lower ones on. I applied the glue a tiny bit at a time on the end of a cocktail stick, held the lash with tweezers, and gently pressed on.

Upper lash in place.

All lashes applied.

I'll continue this later. I was doing this in my lunch break from work and need much longer than an hour! Plus, there will more photos than I can get in one post, so watch this space for the rest of the makeover
Carpe Diem

Last edited by Lulu1971; 20-01-2023 at 12:38 PM.
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