Thread: Opinions Please
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Old 04-02-2023, 01:47 PM
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Ok, Lucid have made a mistake....

first the sort of good... beautiful face but the hedad is too too small for the body.

Now the bad....

You'll get that in a minute

The body as advertised is weight of the smaller breasted JY 170 (36kg).

The larger breasted JY 170 is 43kg....

But... And here's why I was laughing... Those pics are not of a JY 170. They're of a JY 166 which weighs in at 60.5 kg (in the box she's 66 kg).

So, on the assumption that you will get the girl in the pics rather than the girl in the description, the short answer is "No... No... For fuck sake No".

Even if the body was a JY170 (which it isn't) the neck circumfereence and shoulder width are too large to make that head look right.

Sorry. But bet you're glad you asked us

All the best,

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