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Old 07-02-2023, 09:49 AM
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Ich Will Ich Will is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2022
Location: in love with Callie
Posts: 347

Originally Posted by Jodhi View Post
Hi everyone,

It was kindly pointed out to me that sending private messages on this forum was not a transparent way of communicating or having my presence in this community. I am sorry for this as well as any concern or worry it may have caused.

I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself and answer any questions that you may have. I understand that it has not always gone well with journalists or that simply many of you may just not want to engage with me - which I completely understand and will respect.

I am currently studying with the Magnum Photography Agency in Paris. I am pursuing a long term personal project which centers around relationships with love dolls. The element which I hope to portray, and the reason for this project, is the raw and foundational human trait of needing comfort, love and companionship. I have really been amazed at the expression of this. It is a complex subject which I am dedicating a great deal of time to, in order to not present a superficial and narrow perspective.

I am doing interviews, photographing at showrooms and manufacturers. However I want to photograph at these places as little as possible, even none, as it would only show a purely sexual/inhuman perspective. My hope is to make trips to the UK as well as in France to meet with doll owners and to present more of the reality of the relationships.

If you find any value in what I am doing and want to participate please let me know. I would greatly appreciate getting to spend a bit of time with you. I can of course keep your identity anonymous, by not using your name or photographing in a way that you are unidentifiable.

Feel free to leave a comment or question - publicly or privately. Here is a link to some of my recent work:

thanks for your PRIVATE MESSAGE,

"Hey Ich Will,

I am not sure if you've seen my introduction post about who I am or what I'm doing - I'm a documentary photographer studying with the Magnum photography agency in Paris. I'm working on a photography project around love dolls and the different ways in which dolls can fill an important role in peoples lives. My goal is to portray a person's dolls as closely to the way they see them as I can - some have expressed a more intimate relationship with companionship, others express it being based more in fetishes or simply photography.

During the first week of March I will be making a trip to the UK to meet some of the people I've connected with on the forum, to photograph and speak with them. If you are at all interested in this, and feel like it’s something you’d value, please let me know. Of course feel free to ask questions. I'm happy to chat on the phone as well.


my PUBLIC REPLY is not able to be typed, so will say this instead

NO THANKS and please stop PRIVATE MESSAGING members
Truly, madly, deeply in love with Callie, my beautiful wife

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