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Old 07-02-2023, 10:46 AM
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shamus shamus is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
Posts: 9,060

I think that you miss the point Johdi that its not so much that we are trying to be secretive. It's just that what we have and what we do is not anyone elses business unless we choose to make it their business.

The invites are not yours to give but ours to offer.

On this site we are partially like minded friends. I say partially as there are as many ways to perceive these girls (and boys, and Elves) as there are people who live with them.

Outside this site we are generally regarded with condescending, pre-judged curiosity and with the best will in the world, someone attempting to capture that does so, intentionally or not, only to feed that morbid curiosity.

Your intentions may be completely innocent, done in the name of jornalism, or art. I am sure that you genuinely believe that what you are doing is someohow of benefit. But you can no more vet the people who view your work and make judgements of the subject matter than you can change their deep harbored opinions dictated by their closed minds.

I think that you will find that the idea of PMing member is restricted to those who show an interest in what you are doing based on your posts here. Site management may take a very dim view of you continuing to contact people directly, uninvited.

I do wish you the best with those who have shown interest in what you do. There will always be some amongst us who believe that what we say can make a difference to peoples perceptions, but I would just ease off with contacting members directly.

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