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Old 07-02-2023, 07:19 PM
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Samurai Samurai is offline
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Ok the unsolicited pm's have to be addressed again.

Reading Jodhi latest post, i can see that there was room for confusion or a misunderstanding that after Jodhi introduced himself that it was then ok for him to pm members at that point, However this is NOT the case.

With regards to journalism or journalist on this site it is never acceptable to pm any member directly or "behind the scene's"

Weird how i have been on this site for 12 years and never had a pm from any journalist or the likes.

As there are no rules written up (at the moment) regarding this then on this occassion we are giving Jodhi the benifit of the doubt as there are acouple of members interesting in giving him information about our little "hobby"

However if we receive any more complaints from any member who are still receiving these pm's then the person who is sending them will be escorted to the Exit (A polite way of saying you will be banned.)

Jodhi do not send any more pm's to members who have asked not to be involved and to any member who has not contacted you FIRST to say they are interested in assisting you.

You are free to make a post/s asking the community if there are any more people willing to help, and ask any questions, Not saying you will get any answers though but you can ask.

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