Thread: New here
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Old 08-06-2023, 06:57 AM
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Tarlos Tarlos is offline
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Originally Posted by Gavla82 View Post
They have that effect on you that's for sure. I remember when I set eyes on Chloes face on the site and thinking she needs to be here with me and I kept thinking about her till the day she arrived. She has been my saviour, my rock and my loyal companion ever since.

I personally believe it's the head that makes the girl, you can go through many Torsos and bodies, but it will always be the head that makes her.

So, if further down the line you fancy going for a full body for your new lady, then don't feel you are parting with her when you swap from Torso to full body.
Yes I agree I try not to look at the face now until she arrives it is like she has a spell on me.

Yes the head makes her for sure I been browsing through a lot of heads with so much choice some look alike it is finding the ones who are slightly different to the rest - but regarding wigs it seems heads do not come with them and some wigs I really like but cannot find it any where - but I had an idea but don't know if would work say white Blonde hair would it be possible to spray colour around the bottom strands of hair?

I did not think of that yes I could simply buy a full body later on when I am ready I am sure she would be thrilled at the thought

thanks for all your help
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