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Old 19-07-2023, 08:47 AM
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Arthur1960 Arthur1960 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2021
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk
Posts: 287

Hi Tommo and congratulations on your latest new gal. Very impressive unboxing, this sort of thing will certainly be a help to any doll newbies. Funnily enough as you were beginning to open the box on the floor I was about to post a response suggesting you take her out with the box on end but then you did that anyway, I should know better than to try and teach my grandmother to suck eggs! I dare say I got that idea from you a couple of years ago anyway, I'm like you in that unboxing space is tight so for a while now I've been figuring which end has the feet then stand the box up and careful open the box to then lift the bod out, it's much easier that way. That looks to be an impressive bod and the head is lovely, I'm a bit biased re hair colour as love the red hair and green eyes but then again a black bob cut wig would probably look good too as she has Asian features. Takes me a while to figure a new gals look and my latest, Gina, (lovely Firedoll 166 from the recent Lucid sale) started out with a copper red wig but is now sporting a long black wig with braids that seems to suit her face. I can see now that I will never be able to catch you up numbers wise, there was a time a couple of years back where I thought I was hot on your heels but you've sprinted ahead while I'm languishing in the 30's and would need to build an extension to house more!
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