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Old 20-07-2023, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Lucidtoys View Post
I have been told SL sell some illegal dolls too. I would watch out before buying from them.

If they say it's in stock ask for real warehouse photos.


I assume that you are using a VPN not set to UK settings?

As with many sites out there certain vendors including many of those in the far East have sites set up to show girls geared towards the market that they are selling to so, for instance a girl not available in the UK would show up on (for example) the American site.

I just went through their dolls available to order and I could not see the girl that you are referencing.

Personally I have never had any issue with SL. Exactly the same that I have had no issue with the girls that I have purchased from yourselves. Either new or clearance stock.

SL are a different business model to yourselves so not seeing that being a direct competition for the people wanting a doll rather than a quite specific girl. Although they have in stock, the girls are never actually in UK stock so completely different like comparing a ready to wear and made to measure suit.

Last edited by Tommo10; 20-07-2023 at 03:13 PM.
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