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Old 24-07-2023, 10:53 AM
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shamus shamus is offline
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You can tell Rhyl that the spies are Pixies and they're really, really good at hiding. You will only see them if they want to be seen. They have reported back that they have successfully put knots in all of your shoe laces, removed one of each of your matching pairs of socks and cast a replicator spell on your coat hangers to keep you confused as to why there are always empty coathangers... All uner Arachne's nose without raising any suspicion that they were there.

As their mission is done, to give Rhyl at least a fighting chance I would advise him/her/they/it (henchmen nd dfamiliar pronouns can be so difficult to get right) to look for the shadows in the mirror that should not be there.

We've got no worries as even if the lil fella smashes all of the mirrors their portal is still open at this end so they can't get trapped in there.... Just makes doing your hair in a morning a bit more difficult.

I suppose thats the ultimate Pixie trick where they get you top destroy your own stuff trying to find them... Clever little buggers aren't they.

The Elves suggest that Bastet would make a good familiar for Arachne. Tried telling them that she already has Rhyl but they just laughed that he couldn't even find three Pixie... Whats that... Sorry, Four! Pixies running amock around your place.

I just asked them why they are punishing you and I got a load of usual Elvish logic. Apparently you are in their bad books because you invited a Drow to stay... But at the same time they like Arachne (They did say, love what she's done with her hair). Where is the logic in their arguement that they don't like that you did something but they like the results and they are still going to punish you anyway for not having an Elf when clearly you have a Fae friendly fortress.

Nobody said that Elvish logic made sense to anyone but Elves.

Well, at least they just sent the Pixies. There is far worse here that they could have employed the services of I can tell you!... Apparently their services are needed to keep problems under control cloer to home... Really don't know what they mean there?

Have a good Day Archne and try not to avoid giving Bastet PTSD.

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