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Old 28-07-2023, 02:04 PM
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BoobGuy BoobGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by Arthur1960 View Post
Hi, it may not take much air to get them to regain their shape, I think I used about 200mls with my IL bod in one breast. How firm the breast feels will depend on how much air you inject, so the tighter the boob the firmer it will feel and by adding air you will also get a slight hollow sound like you do with the old hollow breasts. I would guess that if you need more than 200mls to get the breast to pop back into shape you could probably let some of the air out again after a few weeks if the tpe manages to keep it's original shape, although I've not tried that myself. I'd recommend getting hold of a 50ml or 100ml syringe and a 21g (green) needle and inject via the nipple with the needle angled slightly upwards in order to reach the breast cavity. I've done this several times over the years and it has always worked, good luck.
Thanks so much for that! I'll give it a go later.

I've already got my syringes (50ml) & 16g grey is the largest I have at the moment but should do fine, as its just air.

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