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Old 28-07-2023, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Aly View Post
Can anyone tell me if this

is the same body as the other (Non Elf) SM torsos? The weight and appearance is the same but the specifications page show the Vagina depth as being 20mm deeper.......
SM #89 is a small shelled head that requires a slender neck. Something like an Irontech 154 body should work quite well with it. It certainly does with the SM #63 head which is on the same shell as SM #89.

They seem to have two SM torso's but three sizes? So you may be right, the boobs on that one may well be larger. One thing to be careful of with larger gel boobs where the girl is almost always liing down is that the boobs will pull sideways causing pressure on the TPE between the boobs which if the TPE is soft (like JY TPE) it could tear. For that reason if you bought her she would neeed to wear a bra rather than letting them just hang free.

The normal SM torso is 13.5kg with small boobs is the one that you will normally see when looking up SM torso's. Even the neck on that one can seem large for that Elf head so go carefully with the purchase if you go for this and make sure that you paw over every image in search of the elusive ones where the neck is not being hidden by her hair. Last thing you want its to spend that sort of money for a girl with no arms and then end up with a girl whose head is too small for the body.


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