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Old 24-08-2023, 12:39 AM
ChittyBA ChittyBA is offline
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Default Head Impressions

It took me a few minutes to cut the sellotape all around the plastic “cocoon” as I was wary of the scissors sliding between the joins and damaging the head.

Upon taking her out of the packaging there were no visible signs of damage so the packaging did its job

She came with two connectors. The standard M16 tube thread came attached and the quick release M16 connector came wrapped in some bubble wrap.

Looking under the head where the silicone meets the fibreglass it seemed sticky to the touch and some the silicone looked uneven but having just checked another silicone head I think this is normal. I will see if some powdering will take away the stickiness.

Overall inspection did not show any defects/blemishes in construction. Her hair was plaited and secured with rubber band. Once the band slid off and her hair was released it took shape fairly quickly.

I was happy that Lucid took on board the comments about the eye sclera as her eyes look a lot better white. The eyes themselves seem to be adjusted by pushing them slightly in, moving to the required position and then releasing.

I am not sure if the eyebrows look quite right as on closer inspection the left eyebrow appears to have a different shape. However I think this might be due to her having a slight smiling expression and the eyebrow has been implanted to account for this.

My only comment regarding communication from Lucid is that I received an email from then stating that the she was ready and it would take 2 to 3 days for her to arrive at the warehouse where she would be subject to quality inspection and factory photo’s sent out to me for approval before dispatch. However, these photo’s were never sent and she was dispatched regardless. It was surprising but not really a big issue as once the head has been delivered to the vendor there is not much you can really change.

Overall I am happy with my purchase both in quality and value. At approximately £300 for a silicone head this is a good deal as TPE heads can cost around that mark.
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