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Old 13-09-2023, 12:49 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

The contents of this post are not mine and belong to ShadowFun on TDF as a part of a collaboration. They are posted with permission. If you like what you see I would highly recommend checking out his work!

Help from Minx Mansion
Part 1

“Be Careful Miss Evey!!!”

The Minxes have been anxiously watching the plight of the Resistance elves on their flat screen. Every daring move Evey and her clan makes is met with…


“Mistress Abbey, we need to send Miss Evey and her Clan some help right away!”

“I agree Minxes… it is my intention to send the brave elves some Mischief to aid them in their struggle against the plots of the Drow… but alas, we have no portal connection to Evey’s realm… and no way to contact her clan directly.”

“What if we sent Miss Evey a shoe to talk to us with? I bet a smarty shoe could find her… Haha!”

“Excellent idea Minxes! Bring me Sassy shoes and meet me by the Dorothy portal!”

And so, the excited Minxes raced off to the shoe closet to fetch the boldest shoes in the rack. This would be a mission fit for only a pair of the sharpest stilettos…

“Haha! Sassy is so smart and confident!!!”

“We won’t let you down Minxes! The message will get through!!!”

“Now remember Sassy, we can send you to where our friends live, as does the Drow, but you must whisper… and use your stealth mode. The Drow cannot discover you before our friends do!”

“We are ready Mistress… open the portal!!!”

“Off you go lefty… happy hunting!

“Well, now all we can do is wait… and hope Sassy can find our elven friends before they succumb to the pressure of the great darkness that has befallen them.”

“No worries Mistress… my better half always knows how to get noticed!!!”

Will Sassy find Evey and the elves? Will Arachne find Sassy first??? What the heck is Mischief anyway???

Stay tuned!!!
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