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Old 08-11-2023, 04:27 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

Originally Posted by Willendorph View Post
After that last part I think we can all tell that Arachne wants a turn at the wheel next!

She'd have reactions better than any human racing driver.... the only problem is she'd be aiming at the pedestrians!
OOC: You know, I've now spent hours thinking about making a gif of her driving. Not like the gif I made of her spoofing The Fast and the Furious which was completely shot in the garage except for the cluster shots, but an actual shot of the car going by with her at the wheel. It wouldn't be hard. The hardest part would be finding a good piece of road to do it on. Unfortunately it's probably a shoot for the spring.

But you're right! I'd hate to be the person who jay walks in front of her!

It's no secret that she doesn't fear me, and rightfully so, but she's smart. She knows what is important and valued by me. I think she knows that any wrath I am capable of bringing would be brought if she did something like bounce the skull of some hapless human off the bonnet!

For reference, the Fast and Furious gif. If I didn't post it here, I probably should have. Definitely my favorite gif I've made so far! Please click it. No gif I post here ever seems to work.

Proud servant of Arachne Baenre, the drow elf.

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