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Old 11-11-2023, 02:25 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154


Saffee found herself cornered by two of Arachne's spiders in the dining room.

Then, she found herself a helpless prisoner of Arachne!

Evey tried a foolish solo rescue but was unable to free her friend!

Saving Saffee
Part 1

“I don’t see anyone,” whispered Aneka from inside the vent. “There’s been no signs of the human or the drow for a day now. I think we’re as safe as we’re ever going to be.”

“Okay, Glissa, start working on those screws,” commanded Evey.

“On it,” she replied.

Aneka kept watching as Glissa worked while Evey held Sassy. Soon the screws fell away and the grate was ready to be removed. “Okay, everyone ready? Just because we can’t see anything doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Be alert and ready. We’ll locate Saffee, free her, and go. Her rescue is the only goal of this mission,” she reminded her clan.

Aneka nocked an arrow and Glissa braced herself, ready to push the grate open. Both nodded to show their readiness. “Go,” commanded Evey.

Glissa pushed the grate over and Aneka leapt through the opening with Evey and Glissa right behind her.

“There!” called Evey, pointing up on the wall above them to where a cocoon of webbing encased the missing elf Saffee.

Proud servant of Arachne Baenre, the drow elf.

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