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Old 15-11-2023, 09:15 PM
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revoL annaerB revoL annaerB is offline
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Default Smartie football

At weekend the girls were chatting about their cuddlies, which they feel every Smartie should have....

After hearing that Trixie's is called Buddy, Gemma's is called Scruffy and Katrina's is called Peas, Safiya announced that hers was named Wuff...very imaginative lot, aren't they???

They were too engrossed in the chat to notice a knock at the door or Zoe going to answer it, they did however notice a quiet knock at the living room door...

Safiya was oblivious at that moment but it became clear that she had no-one's attention....

Safiya: "Oh, hi"

Friends from afar had come to visit...

"We're here"
"Ooh, nice place"
"Got any fresh blood, I'm starving"

Lulu had arranged a visit and it was a surprise for my Smarties so fond greetings were necessary...


Last edited by revoL annaerB; 16-11-2023 at 09:48 PM.
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