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Old 20-12-2023, 01:18 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

Bastet's Punishment
Part 4

Arachne looked down on Bastet. “I should sacrifice you to Lolth! And perhaps some day I still will should Agent be unsuccessful. In the meantime, imprisonment. It’s far better than you deserve…Wanre! Go fetch a containment device. NOW!”

I ran off to find something. Something that could actually hold a small goddess avatar. Cardboard box? No, a regular cat could escape that. Plastic bin? No… In the kitchen I found something, but Bastet wasn’t going to enjoy it. Cats are liquid, right? She’d be okay.

“Here you go, Arachne. It’s the best I could find quickly. Maybe tomorrow we could go out and pick up a cat carrier?”

Arachne took the jar. “No, no… This is perfect. It looks uncomfortable.”

“Oh, maybe take the seal off so some air can get in through the crack,” I pointed out.

“Oh Wanre… You are too soft. She will just have to learn to sit calmly and conserve her air, won’t she? Com here, Bastet. Welcome to your new home.” She held the jar in her lap, looking at Bastet expectantly.

Slowly, Bastet accepted her fate and got into the jar. Once she was in Arachne closed the lid and latched it. “Use this time to think about your failures and how you can serve me better in the future, should you wish to have one. My wanre’s promises may have saved you today, but it may not in the future…” she warned, holding up the jar to inspect her prisoner.

OOC: That's the end for now! Thanks for reading everyone!
Proud servant of Arachne Baenre, the drow elf.

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