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Old 10-03-2024, 06:51 PM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

Veyronna's Arrival
Part 1

Veyronna stared into the shiny surface of her scrying sphere. The images she was seeing were… Concerning to say the least. Her clan was in trouble and she believed she could help.

First, she needed to do some studying. Drow were not from this realm, but that didn’t mean that knowledge of them didn’t exist. Luckily, -somehow- humans did have knowledge and it was fairly readily available.

Once she felt she was ready she made the journey through the cold Canadian climate to where her clan was slowly gathering en masse. Her magic made entry into the house fairly easy and soon she had joined her clan in the basement.

“Veyronna! It’s so good to see you! Welcome!” greeted Evey.

“Merry meet, Evey. I believe I can be of help to you here. I came as quick as I could.” The mage’s eyes swept across the faces of the other elves present giving each of them a greeting in turn. “Saffee, it is good to see you again. Akena, well met. Glissa… Most interesting. I would like a word with you in private at some point. Aldrea…” She added nothing more to the warrior, her name just hanging in the air as she gave her a stern look.

“Um, how do you believe you can help?” asked Saffee, breaking the awkward silence.

“Hmm? Oh, why, this here.” She reached to her belt and pulled out a purple wand. “It’s a powerful wand capable of implanting ideas into the minds of others.”

Proud servant of Arachne Baenre, the drow elf.

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