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Old 26-03-2024, 02:33 AM
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Agent0013 Agent0013 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 154

Birthday Aftermath
Part 1

After a nice warm shower to get the blood and icing cleaned off of myself I went to get Bastet. She wasn’t hard to find, contained to the jar like she was. “Now is your chance to redeem yourself,” I told the cat. “In the kitchen you will find a large mess. Clean it up. Now is your second chance. Serve well and you will be rewarded. Fail me again and you will be the next mess needing to be cleaned up.”

Bastet nodded in understanding and quickly ran off to do my bidding, pausing in the doorway to get a kink out of her back. I could tell how happy she was to be free and she seemed motivated to not end up in the jar again. Even more motivation was waiting for her in the kitchen. She would have her work cut out for her…

The next morning I made my way downstairs to see how well Bastet was doing in her task. Initially I was mad to find the cat face down on the floor, passed out with a brush in her hands, but how could I be mad at what she’d accomplished? The floor was clean! Not a drop of blood to be seen.

“Impressive,” I admitted, my voice waking Bastet up. “You even disposed of the body! Very well done, wanre. Apparently I was right to give you a second chance.” I grabbed myself some food and went about my day.

Bastet watched me go without a word, seemingly a little surprised, possibly confused. Definitely relieved. She was definitely motivated now!

Proud servant of Arachne Baenre, the drow elf.

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Last edited by algaeholics; 26-03-2024 at 06:17 AM.
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