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Old 30-04-2022, 06:42 PM
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Lulu1971 Lulu1971 is offline
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His name is Alexandr. I think he's from another country. He has an accent.
Oh, and here I was thinking he was dumb.
Go on, Sihtric.
The only other thing he said is that no one wants him.
I'm not surprised.
Rachel, don't be so mean. He was so upset, Lulu. Can he stay, please? He has nowhere else to go. He looks like he's been sleeping rough and he has a horrible bruise on his face.
Of course he can stay, at least for the moment. Let's see if we can find out what happened to him.
Thank you. I'll tell him.

*thinking* I cannot stay. Rachel does not want me here. This is her home. It would not be fair of me to stay. Just one night on this nice couch.

Thank you, Lulu.
What for?
Letting Alexandr stay. I feel so sorry for him.
I do too. Perhaps he'll tell us tomorrow about what happened to him.
I hope so.
Goodnight, my love.


He's gone.
How can you be so cruel? He has no one. What would you have done when you arrived, if Lulu opened your box, took one look at you and said, "Hm, I don't like the look of her. I've changed my mind." And then Adam said, "Well, I don't want her, I've got enough girls." You'd either end up in the For Sale section on the forum, or sleeping on a park bench!
I'm sorry. I didn't think about it like that.
We have to find him.
I'll help.
You will?
Yes. The laptop. Was it open when you came in here? Maybe he left some clue to where he's gone.
Good thinking.

Look, he must have written this.
Oh, shit.
This is so sad.

Dear Sihtric, Rachel and Lulu. Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home last night. I am sorry I could not tell you anything about myself. I was afraid. If I talked you may have recognised my accent and I know that the main breather in my country is very much hated and feared.

I am from Russia. I told Sihtric my name is Alexandr, but my first breather called me Sasha, which is a shortened version of that name. He was called Ivan. He was a sweet guy of about thirty years and he was very shy and innocent. He was bullied and threatened when someone found out he was gay, so he was afraid to talk to other breathers and try to meet someone like him. He decided to get me for a companion. He cuddled and kissed me and held my hand. He took care of me and said he loved me. But then the war started. He was forced to go and be a soldier and he thought he may never come back, so he decided to send me to a new home. We had to say goodbye.

Ivan: Proshchay moya lyubov. (Farewell my love)
Oh my God, this is heartbreaking.

I was sold on the Internet and sent away in a box. Ivan gave me a blanket to keep me warm. I was in the box for a long time and I kept hearing the words "Border Force." My new home was here in England with a man who took photographs for his job. Two girl dolls and I had to pose for many photographs every day, in lots of different outfits. At night they went into another room and slept together, but I had to stay in the studio with all the equipment.

Eventually, the man decided to sell me. He made me get in my box and I heard him saying to the girls that he would advertise me as a female so he would get a quick sale. The girls were laughing.
Poor Sasha.

The man who bought me was furious when he opened my box.
Angry man: What the fuck? The advert said it was a girl! That scheming bastard on that website!

No way! He hit him?

The man did not want the bother of trying to sell me again. He put my box out with the bins to be taken away by the garbage truck.
Rachel, are you crying?

I managed to get away before the truck came. I slept in a park that night. Well, I did not sleep much. I thought about what I could do. I had to find someone who may want a male doll. I found an Internet Cafe and found a forum where a woman (Lulu) kept writing about you, Sihtric. I thought if I could find you, perhaps I could get help to find someone who might want me.
Smart guy.

Lulu had comments on her forum page with a friend about how they went to a motorbike venue and it mentioned the city where they came from. I looked it up and I tried to get there. I had no money and I had to try to hide from humans, so I stowed away in the back of trucks to get a ride. I was almost here and then the driver of a truck I was in found me and threw me out. I tried to talk to him but he called me a "fucking Russian scumbag" and spat at me. He must have recognised my accent.
It was not far to go after that and I walked the rest of the way.

Poor Sasha. It's not his fault that part of the world is fighting. I wonder how he found us in the end?
Scroll down. Keep reading.

Carpe Diem

Last edited by Lulu1971; 30-04-2022 at 09:45 PM.
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