Thread: Sasha's Secret
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Old 27-05-2022, 02:58 PM
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Default Sasha's Secret

Sasha has been here for a month now and he is still fairly quiet and keeps things close to his chest. But we've just found out a little secret he's been keeping much to his initial mortification.


*thinking* This is the first time Lulu, Sihtric, and Rachel have all been out at the same time. I wonder if...

*thinking* I've been wanting to try something like this for ages.


*thinking* Oh shit, they're not supposed to be back yet.

*thinking* They'll think I'm a freak. Just kill me now.

Out. Go. I'll talk to him.
Rachel, don't...


*thinking* Shit, he looked so embarrassed. I hope Rachel doesn't tease him. I should have said something. He probably thinks I'm horrified.

Please go away. I feel ridiculous.
There's no need to. You haven't done anything wrong. If you want to wear a dress, that's cool. No one here will care. Are you trans?
No! I just wondered what it would look like. It was just an experiment.
You didn't wear girls' stuff in Russia?
No. Ivan could only afford to get me one outfit from charity. Anyway, he liked men to look like men.
*giggles* Well, you don't look all that masculine to me, Sasha, whatever you wear.
*laughs* Thanks a lot.
We can get you something that fits properly if you like. That dress of Lulu's is too big for you and mine would be too small.
Sihtric will think I'm weird. What if he hates it?
He won't. He thinks the sun shines out of your arse.
What about Lulu?
She won't care what you wear. She loves you. Anyway, she's got no room to talk. She shaves her head and wears men's clothes. So, why would she think you're weird for wearing girls' clothes?
I suppose.

That is a nice design.
It is. There are tops to match. I might get one. You could get a top and a skirt.
Are you sure this is ok?
Absolutely. I think you'll be a size 8, which is Small on here. Let's do it.

*KNOCK KNOCK* Can I come in?
I'll go out. You get changed.

Is he ok?
He's fine. Just embarrassed.
You weren't mean to him, were you?
Of course I wasn't mean. What do you take me for? I helped him buy something off Shein that fits.
He's worried you'll think he's weird. He says he's not trans. He just wanted to try cross-dressing.
I should have said something. I was just surprised.
Well, say something when he comes out. I'll leave you to it. I need a shower after that run.

Carpe Diem

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