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Old 20-06-2013, 09:20 PM
Cyber Ted's Avatar
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Default Mr Ursa's Avatar - A Fairy Tale

Mr Ursa's Avatar

An Interactive Forum Fairy Tale

Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 20-06-2013, 09:20 PM
Cyber Ted's Avatar
Cyber Ted Cyber Ted is offline
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Once upon a time, in the land of the best doll lovers' forum in the whole wide world, Mr Wulf, Mr Sam and Mr Ted were sitting in a clearing in the forest sharing a bottle of Mr Sam's Buckfast. They were not very happy today as they were all skint, the good weather meant that no-one was buying firewood from Mr Ted, most of the spammers and scammers were on their holidays and Mr Sam had recently become unemployed from whatever it was that he did. The three were discussing ways to make some extra money so that they could buy nice things for their dollies and some more Buckie for themselves.

After much discussion they eventually decided that the best thing to do would be to go round all their friends and see if they had any jobs that needed to be done. They would have to do it differently this time as their last similar attempt had not gone so well. They agreed that Mr Ted would not chop or change anything, that there would be no huffing and puffing and blowing things down from Mr Wulf and that Mr Sam would not spend all his time chatting up and fondling the dollies. They further decided that the best place to try first would be Mr Gibbmodoll's house as he had lots of dollies and would probably have many jobs that needed doing.

They set off through the forest to Mr Gibbmodoll's house, Mr Sam was leading at a brisk pace as he was always very keen to visit Mr Gibbmodoll, the fact that he had more dollies than anyone else in the land probably only had a little to do with Mr Sam's enthusiasm. Eventually they arrived just outside Mr Gibbmodoll's house where they met Mr Timbo and Justine who were going for a 'walk' down by the river. "Hello everybody" said Mr Timbo, "what are you doing here today?" "We've come to find out if Mr Gibbmdoll has any work that needs doing" replied Mr Wulf. "Oh yes" said Mr Timbo, "there is always lots of work to be done round here. I don't know where Mr Gibbmodoll has gone but maybe Mrs Gibbmodoll, or Miss Holly will know, you should go and ask them." With that Mr Timbo and Justine gave the three a smile and a wave and set off for the riverside with their blanket. "Oh great" said Mr Sam, "lots of Dollies and lots of work", Mr Sam could just picture himself, applying and rubbing in clouds of perfumed powder on all Mr Gibbmolls dollies. He gave a little contented sigh and set off for Mr Gibbmodoll's door. Mr Ted and Mr Wulf looked at each other, rolled their eyes, shook their heads and sighed too. They quickly followed Mr Sam who was already knocking impatiently on the door.

"Hello Mr Sam, Mr Wulf and Mr Ted" said Mrs Gibbmodoll "what brings you here on this lovely sunny day?" "We've come to see Mr Gibbmodoll and do some work for him" said Mr Sam, "Mr Timbo said there was lots to do" he added excitedly. "Oh yes, lots" agreed Mrs Gibbmodoll "but you better speak to Mr Gibbmodoll first, I think he's over in the big shed working on his machine."
Mr Gibbmodoll was very good at fixing things so people brought their machines from all over the land for him to fix. He had many machines in his sheds which he and Mr Timbo were fixing. Mr Sam again led the way to Mr Gibbmodoll's big shed where an enormous machine stood in the middle of the room, all they could see of Mr Gibbmodoll was his legs and feet sticking out from under the huge machine. Mr Ted and Mr Wulf headed over to speak to Mr Gibbmodoll not noticing that Mr Sam was heading instead to the door which led to the room where many of Mr Gibbmodoll's dollies lived.

"Hello Mr Gibbmodoll" said Mr Ted, "Mr Timbo said you have lots of jobs to do and as things are very slack in the wood chopping, scammer bashing and whatever it is that Mr Sam used to do side of things we thought we'd come and help." "Hello Chaps" said Mr Gibbmodoll "it's very nice of you to come and offer to help, I have lots of jobs you could do" he added. "Let me see," he pondered, "right then, the big field needs to be dug over, the manure needs to be moved to the new pit and the big old farm machine needs to be washed and scrubbed and there are lots of other jobs that I just hadn't got round to yet."
Mr Ted looked in horror at Mr Wulf who also now sported a shocked expression, these were not the sort of jobs they had envisaged while sitting drinking the last of the Buckie. "Err I've got a sore shoulder from all the chopping" said Mr Ted, "it takes weeks to get the smell of manure out of my fur and I've just got rid of the mildew from the last time I got all wet" he added backtracking towards the door. "Errr my knee is playing up big time and err....." said Mr Wulf looking round for support from Mr Sam or the retreating Mr Ted. "Oh dear we seem to have lost Mr Sam, we better go and find him, nice to have seen you Mr Gibbmodoll" he added as he quickly followed Mr Ted out of the door.

They had just got outside when they heard a giggle, followed by a scream, followed by a very loud slap. They turned towards the sounds just in time to see Mr Sam fly backwards out of a window, landing with a resounding thump on the dusty ground near their feet. Mr Sam quickly got to his feet, dusted himself off and said "come on, let's scarper." Mr Ted and Mr Wulf needed no further encouragement and set off after the rapidly disappearing Mr Sam.
Eventually they stopped to catch their breath, "what happened there?" asked Mr Wulf, "well" said Mr Sam "I went into this room and there were lots of dollies and they all looked as if they were asleep. There were three great big ones stood up holding flowers and looking like statues so I thought I would see if they were real or not. The first one I touched squirmed and giggled but I only touched the second one a little before she got quite upset and screamed, then the three of them grabbed me, slapped me and threw me out the window, turns out they were Real Dolls after all."

Mr Wulf and Mr Ted shook their heads, they knew they should have kept a better watch on Mr Sam while so close to so many lovely dollies. "Right then next place you keep your hands in your pockets" said Mr Wulf to Mr Sam, then realising that that might not be such a good idea either, changed it so that Mr Sam had to keep his hands to himself until they started the 'work'.

"Right" said Ted....... "What next?" "I know" said Mr Wulf, "Mr Ursa's place is just round the corner and he might have some work for us. We could maybe help him count his model collection or even build one or two perhaps". They all agreed that this was much more suitable work for a hot day and set off to Mr Ursa's house.

When they arrived they saw Lois and Fay hanging out the washing. "Hi Lois, Hi Fay" said Mr Sam who eventually shrugged and crossed his arms after a stern stare from Mr Wulf. "Hello Mr Sam, Mr Wulf and Mr Ted" said Lois and Fay in unison, "it's nice to see you, what can we do for you." Both Mr Ted and Mr Wulf turned stern looks on Mr Sam who thought better of what he was just about to say. "We're here to see if Mr Ursa needs any jobs doing, like counting his models or something" said Mr Ted. "No, he spent all last week counting them" said Fay, "they are all freshly counted". "He's not at home anyway" added Jane as she joined her sisters by the front porch. "He's taken Sabrina to see a doctor cause she has a sore shoulder", "there's a lot of that going around" responded Mr Ted.

"I know" said Lois suddenly having a good idea, "he wants a new picture thingy for his favourite forum. He has been going to do it for ages but just hasn't got started yet. I'm sure he would be very happy with someone who made him a new picture thingy. Look he was working on a 'want ad'. It says 'Needs new avatar'". She added as she pointed to the newspaper lying open on Mr Ursa's porch chair. "I'm sure he would reward someone who made him a good one".
"OK" said Mr Sam "we'll do it, see you later" he added keen to impress the girls. He turned and led the others out of sight of Mr Ursa's house before stopping and turning with a great big smile on his face.

"This will be easy peasy" said Mr Sam, "all we need to do is grab a piece of paper and some crayons and we can do a picture of Mr Ursa then go and collect our reward, after all how hard can it be to draw a picture of a Big Bear". The other two nodded their agreement before recognising a flaw in Mr Sam's plan. "Do you have any paper" asked Mr Ted, "or Crayons" added Mr Wulf. "No, but I know where we can get some" he replied cockily. "Granny's shed has all the supplies we need for anything crafty, we will find some there". They all agreed and set off through the forest to Granny's shed.

Sure enough there was lots of paper and many different coloured crayons in Granny's shed. They each grabbed some paper and crayons and headed back into the forest so they could sit down with their backs against the trees while they created their 'masterpieces'. On their way to Granny's shed they had not been able to agree on the design of the avatar so had decided that they would each do a picture and then let the girls choose the best of the three to present to Mr Ursa for his avatar and their reward.

"I'm done" said Mr Sam finishing first. "And me" said Mr Ted adding the final flourish to his 'bear'. Mr Wulf was still concentrating hard, his long Wulfie tongue lolling from the side of his mouth as he too put the finishing touches on his drawing.
"OK then, lets go get our reward" said Mr Ted as he rolled his drawing up to keep it safe. Mr Wulf and Mr Sam did the same with theirs before Mr Sam led off back to Mr Ursa's house.

Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 20-06-2013, 09:21 PM
Cyber Ted's Avatar
Cyber Ted Cyber Ted is offline
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The three intrepid Avatar Artists eventually arrived back at Mr Ursa's house where they could see that Lois, Fay and Jane had been joined by Kazumi and Audrey. All the girls were very busy tidying up the garden ready for Mr Ursa and Sabrina's return.

"Hello Ladies" said Mr Sam in his smoothest 'Mr Sam' voice, "we have created some avatars for Mr Ursa, and we'd like you to choose the best one" he added winking at Audrey. "Ooooh super" said the girls, "lay them out on the porch and we'll all have a look". "Kazumi could you go and get Valerica please, she won't want to miss this" added Lois.

Mr Ted laid his drawing on the porch first, he stood by it, eagerly awaiting the girls' verdict as they all looked down on his 'picture'.

"Errr.... were you in a hurry or something?" asked Lois, trying to be kind, as her sisters sniggered in the background. "I like the colour of his eyes" said Valerica as she joined the others "but apart from that it doesn't look very much like anyone I know" she finished, shaking her head.

"OK me next" said Mr Wulf, as he unrolled his picture, laid it down and stepped back. "I pictured him here in the garden" he said proudly.

"Err... yes, we can see the flowers" said Fay desperately trying to think of something nice to say, as the girls behind her strained to contain their giggles.

"OK step back" said Mr Sam as he moved forward and laid out his picture, winking again in Audrey's direction.

Not even Lois could contain her giggles this time as all the girls collapsed in the garden in fits of laughter.

"I think it's very cute, *giggle*, I love his little pink legs, *giggle*, ...and blue ears" said Audrey before she too gave in to a fit of the giggles.

"Blue Ears..." said Jane as she and Fay rolled around the garden, tears rolling down their faces as they laughed and laughed. "Blue Ears...."

"I didn't have any Brown left" said Mr Sam indignantly, "Well you shouldn't have eaten it then" added Mr Wulf as he rolled his eyes once more.

"Come on, lets go" said Mr Wulf "this isn't going to work, we'll need some help" he added gruffly.

All three picked up their pictures, rolled them up, then turned from the still laughing girls as they left Mr Ursa's house behind them and headed back into the forest. They were well into the trees and the laughter had by now subsided when they heard a distant little voice say "Blue Ears....." before the fits of laughter started once more.

They stopped when they could no longer hear the sound of the Girls' laughter. "OK" said Mr Wulf, "we are no Picassos, obviously, but we still need the reward for the Buckie. What shall we do?"

"I have an idea" said Mr Ted, "lets go to our favourite Forum and ask our friends there to design Mr Ursa an Avatar. There are many there who could do it, Mr Phil can do awesome cartoons, Mr revoL can really jazz up some pictures, Mr Karrot can do great photos and there are lots of others who can do better Avatar pictures than ours here. Lets ask them to do one and then we can share the reward with them".

"Hmm... that sounds like a not bad idea for someone with a head full of stuffing" said Mr Sam, adding "but do we really have to tell them about the reward". "I like it" said Mr Wulf "we could write something up and get it posted on the forum". "Lets do it now" said Mr Ted unrolling his 'picture' and turning it over "who's got any crayons left?" he asked.

"Well.... .... I errm.... ...ate mine" said Mr Sam,

"Err... I must have dropped mine" said Mr Wulf,

"Oh crap" said Mr Ted, wiping the last incriminating trace of brown wax from the side of his mouth.
Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 21-06-2013, 12:26 AM
Cyber Ted's Avatar
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Dear Forum

Mr Ursa Needs a New Avatar

Please post your comments and suggestions here and Mr Ursa and his girls will chose the best one.

Don't take too long because we are running out of Buckie.

The winner may get a nice collection of Mr Sam's used Buckie Bottles, which he says make great candle holders.

Plot..? What Plot..? I thought you had it.

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Old 21-06-2013, 04:32 AM
Zang's Avatar
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Well, I know it's not a drawing or painting or such, but I thought the DF Paparazzi got a pretty good pic of Ursa here right after the last meet!
Such a big, furry, friendly chap, isn't he?
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Old 21-06-2013, 07:30 PM
Kats012's Avatar
Kats012 Kats012 is offline
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Default Great story.

Story cheered me up no end.
Here's my submission

The World of Kat. Her Albums here.
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