Belatedly joining the UK Forum

Lord, Maddie alone is worth the price of admission! I know I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record but her 233 head just looks soooo good on the WM158G bod! It's just dawned on me that I could have a word with new gal Dora to see if she would like to switch bods with Sherrilyn, it's a thought!

I'm amazed its taken you this long to have that thought!

Ok thanks for the tip re adding pics. I did resize a pic to 1200 x 1800 and the uploader accepted it even though it was 1.5mb but it shrunk it down to a mere 69kb and appears as a thumbnail so I'm missing a trick here as at present I can't quite see how you imbedded that lovely pic of Maddie in your post. I'm sure I will suss it out eventually!

Sam's got you covered there :)

Thanks for that Karrot, that just saved me a lot of time and angst! My photo editor saves my pics at around 4mb so too big for the uploader but I found the quickest fix was to just crop each pic slightly which makes it much smaller, something I do over on TDF as well actually. So it's befitting that I post of a pic of Sarah, my first gal, who will have been with me 5 years this October. She's a classic WM155DD/46 and can still scrub up quite nicely!


I'm late to the party, but welcome to the bright side sir!

Looking forward to some nice looking spam... :rolleyes:
Sarah's Absolutely Stunning :drool :drool

Now you've got your photos sorted, are you taking requests.:D :rolleyes:
Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome and yes by all means Tommo if you want pics of a particular gal here then just say. I think over the next few days I shall endeavour to get pics of all my gals into the album I've setup, I think it's well over 30 distinct identities although just the 23 bods here right now (so room for a few more!).
Sarah looks fantastic and doesn't look her age at all. Hoping my own WMs look as good as she does when they reach that age.
... and yes by all means Tommo if you want pics of a particular gal here then just say....

Its not so much particular girls he's after butt more particular parts of any of the girls, preferably without any material involved.... :whistle::whistle: :21:21

:welcome Arthur.

I couldn't resist taking a rare visit to TDF to get a sneak peek of your ladies, and just had to check out the ladies in your signature.

Wow, you've got one of my Johanna's sisters :) (Shuri Uhura). I have a bit of a soft spot for Keiko :tu
Actually Mr K're right,:o :D ...but, err, I was Twittergraming last night :rolleyes: and I saw Athena looking totally irresistible and she wasn't naked at all.
Hi Mr Flibble, thanks, yeah I need to get some new pics of Shuri done, bless her, she's taken a bit of a back seat as we've had a handful of new gals join us in the past 2 months including Anissa in that last pic, an awesome gal in cocoa, WM/Jinsan seem to have improved their darker skin tones, while Shuri can looks great in the right light Anissa is much easier to shoot, with a softer light she looks incredible, add a little water and, well you know what I mean I'm sure!
Hi Mr Flibble, thanks, yeah I need to get some new pics of Shuri done, bless her, she's taken a bit of a back seat as we've had a handful of new gals join us in the past 2 months including Anissa in that last pic, an awesome gal in cocoa, WM/Jinsan seem to have improved their darker skin tones, while Shuri can looks great in the right light Anissa is much easier to shoot, with a softer light she looks incredible, add a little water and, well you know what I mean I'm sure!

Hi Arthur,

I couldn't help but notice Ipswich in your location field.

I think my Johanna might have been in the Cloud Climax van with one of your ladies on June 30th. I couldn't help asking Les where he was off to next (as there was another lady in the back of the van), and he said Ipswich.

This might be me putting 2 + 2 together and making 3, but maybe not?


Mr F
Its not so much particular girls he's after butt more particular parts of any of the girls, preferably without any material involved.... :whistle::whistle: :21:21


Ah, in that case maybe this will suffice. I actually had Athena upstairs for her wash and oiling plus she had picked up a mild case of staining from the black body she had been wearing, however she was in a rather fruity mood and an impromptu photo session took place, well for a bit anyway!

welcome arthur and ladies can't wait to see what antics your girls get up to over here.

carly snugglemore and carlys_guy
Ha ha, indeed Mr F you would make Columbo proud, the gal in the van was Dora, a replacement 162F which I had thought to just be another bod for my Donna but she rocked up with her own ideas on that hence we now have 162F twins!