Making the best of Julia


Yep, that works :tu (OMG does that work :drool).
Apparently she liked this look and asked me to take a few more photo's.



Time to sit by the camp fire now before she catches a chill!
Love the ears and lingerie! But those hands are amazing. I would like to see her holding things, holding onto things to stay upright such as tables and balancing on walls, and running them through her hair etc. You have what I can only wish for (well wait an eternity for)...

Thinking about it, you can only do those things if you can move her about within your tolerance. The older we get the more difficult I know. :tu
I trust no daisies were harmed in the making of this photoshoot. :D

She is beginning to sparkle Tex - as per thread title.
Love the ears and lingerie! But those hands are amazing. I would like to see her holding things, holding onto things to stay upright such as tables and balancing on walls, and running them through her hair etc. You have what I can only wish for (well wait an eternity for)...

Thinking about it, you can only do those things if you can move her about within your tolerance. The older we get the more difficult I know. :tu

She can be a bit "difficult" sometimes. One of her shoulders is not as stiff as it was so it does not do as well as the other one at supporting her arm in some outstretched positions.

I am not sure she could put her hand on the back of her head although she can put her arms somewhat backwards. I can get her hands near her hair at the side.

The hands can clearly hold a credit card so she is happy with that!

It can be quite a pleasure lifting her face to face (well actually chest to chest) holding her around her waist.
The honest answer is don't know. There does not seem to be any specific documentation on this version and shrugging is not mentioned in the generic documents supplied.

As you can see in the photo that position does twist the silicone somewhat and there are lots of warnings about that in the documents.
You can test it by simply pushing the shoulder up, and if it moves up then she has shrugging shoulders. Chances are this feature is an extra though, I know I had to pay to have it added for Regina even though she has the latest skeleton on the market.

I've looked at the photos on Cloud Climax of Alexa and none of them show her shrugging.

However to do what you did with her hands up, it should be NP. Yes the instructions will say not too but that's just to cover themselves. These dolls are quite tough in moderation, as long as you take them out of the extreme positions after the shot and don't leave it too long. Looks at some of Psion's pics and see what she is capable of... remember the power one where shes climbing on the kitchen bench :drool

Anyway she's your girl and you can only do what your comfortable with.

BTW you should see what I put Kimberley through, and she has a basic skeleton and prob basic TPE. But she is a tough cookie! You can't really tell but in one of the nudes she has crossed legs sat on the bench. That's her legs as wide as they go to achieve it. Not for long though, a few minutes.
I love your butterfly bikini, Miss Julia! I think something yellow and summery would go very nice with your pretty red hair!
I love your butterfly bikini, Miss Julia! I think something yellow and summery would go very nice with your pretty red hair!

Yep, just waiting for the sun to come out again,
love and kisses to you