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Old 11-09-2023, 09:35 AM
River River is offline
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Pyske's! I've bought you some time but its a trap!!!

Somehow... absolutely no idea how... They've discovered that Pyske's make excellent Burrito fillings.
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Old 11-09-2023, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by River View Post
I'm not going to tell you how to make a Pyske Burrito.... oh bugger.... Forget I said that.

I know...

If you eat her how will you trap all of the others that might come and try and save her?

One Burrito isn't going to fill you up. You needs a whole plateful. Best you keeps her all wrapped up as the bait.
"A burrito you say...

"WANRE! Find out how to make a burrito!"

"A burrito? Uh... Okay... Oh! Wraps are on sale tomorrow!"

"Oh River... I don't think they're coming for their little friend. I've had her for weeks and I think someone tried to rescue her. There were some creases in the webbing, but nothing cut. No one has been back since. There's only one other little elf hiding in this house. Perhaps she's done what is best for her survival and run already... So, why not enjoy this one? While she's still alive and fresh, or before my spiders get too hungry? Lolth likes sacrifices. Perhaps this one is best made on the stove..."
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Old 11-09-2023, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by River View Post
Pyske's! I've bought you some time but its a trap!!!

Somehow... absolutely no idea how... They've discovered that Pyske's make excellent Burrito fillings.
The little elves do not reply. It would seem they have no method of sending or receiving communications with the outside world at the moment.
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Old 12-09-2023, 09:01 AM
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River would respond but she's organising the Pixies into a rescue team at the moment. We don't often let them have their wands but we figure that this is an emergency situation.

You might not notice them as they've acquired something that they call their "Precious"?... Few days back when this all started kicking off with your Pyske's they went off saying something about mugging a hobbit as he was just going to waste the ring?

Now they're running around shouting "Now you see me, now you don't".

You would think that the Elves in Middle earth would know better than to have mirrors about the place but no, they might as well just leave the bloody doors to Rivendell completely open.

I did make them take the shards of Narsil back again. Way too sharp for them to be playing with.

Still think that giving them their wands is a mistake but if it helps save your lil Elves then the collateral damage to "YOUR" house that will follow as surely as night follows day will be absolutely worth it (Hey, back here their wands are being confiscated. I like the walls and the doorways through them in my place exactly where they are).


Last edited by shamus; 12-09-2023 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 12-09-2023, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by shamus View Post
River would respond but she's organising the Pixies into a rescue team at the moment. We don't often let them have their wands but we figure that this is an emergency situation.

You might not notice them as they've acquired something that they call their "Precious"?... Few days back when this all started kicking off with your Pyske's they went off saying something about mugging a hobbit as he was just going to waste the ring?

Now they're running around shouting "Now you see me, now you don't".

You would think that the Elves in Middle earth would know better than to have mirrors about the place but no, they might as well just leave the bloody doors to Rivendell completely open.

I did make them take the shards of Narsil back again. Way too sharp for them to be playing with.

Still think that giving them their wands is a mistake but if it helps save your lil Elves then the collateral damage to "YOUR" house that will follow as surely as night follows day will be absolutely worth it (Hey, back here their wands are being confiscated. I like the walls and the doorways through them in my place exactly where they are).

Ack! Please don't magic missile my house! I don't think my insurance will cover that! Besides, if I don't have a roof to put over her head I don't know how much use I'll still be to Arachne! And, well, I think we all know how that would end...

OOC: There's more to the story! A four part collaboration has been shot and I'll get that posted soon enough!
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Old 13-09-2023, 12:49 AM
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The contents of this post are not mine and belong to ShadowFun on TDF as a part of a collaboration. They are posted with permission. If you like what you see I would highly recommend checking out his work!

Help from Minx Mansion
Part 1

“Be Careful Miss Evey!!!”

The Minxes have been anxiously watching the plight of the Resistance elves on their flat screen. Every daring move Evey and her clan makes is met with…


“Mistress Abbey, we need to send Miss Evey and her Clan some help right away!”

“I agree Minxes… it is my intention to send the brave elves some Mischief to aid them in their struggle against the plots of the Drow… but alas, we have no portal connection to Evey’s realm… and no way to contact her clan directly.”

“What if we sent Miss Evey a shoe to talk to us with? I bet a smarty shoe could find her… Haha!”

“Excellent idea Minxes! Bring me Sassy shoes and meet me by the Dorothy portal!”

And so, the excited Minxes raced off to the shoe closet to fetch the boldest shoes in the rack. This would be a mission fit for only a pair of the sharpest stilettos…

“Haha! Sassy is so smart and confident!!!”

“We won’t let you down Minxes! The message will get through!!!”

“Now remember Sassy, we can send you to where our friends live, as does the Drow, but you must whisper… and use your stealth mode. The Drow cannot discover you before our friends do!”

“We are ready Mistress… open the portal!!!”

“Off you go lefty… happy hunting!

“Well, now all we can do is wait… and hope Sassy can find our elven friends before they succumb to the pressure of the great darkness that has befallen them.”

“No worries Mistress… my better half always knows how to get noticed!!!”

Will Sassy find Evey and the elves? Will Arachne find Sassy first??? What the heck is Mischief anyway???

Stay tuned!!!
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Old 15-09-2023, 12:40 AM
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Help From Minx Mansion

Part 2: A Shoe Arrives

This site doesn't seem to like my gifs! Click for flashing shoe action!

Glissa walked quietly through the cool basement. The elves made rounds through the basement regularly, mostly to look for spiders sent out by the drow, but not many made it this far from her stronghold on the upper floor, the bedroom. She had witnessed the silent floating orb that the drow commanded as well, called Rhylqualyn. As a warrior Glissa was always thinking about strategy and defeating that magical beast was something she still pondered.

She expected a spider, but today something else caught her eye, colorful lights coming from another room. Bravely but cautiously she ventured forward for a better look as she drew her sword, blue light washing over her. “Stealth mode engaged…Oh… I feel dizzy…Portal travel is something else!” came some soft words nearly too quiet for Glissa’s elven ears.

As she reached the end of the shelves she peered around to catch a glimpse of the source of the colors. On the floor sat an object, an object that had not been there on her last pass through this room. Her sword in front of her, she crept closer and closer. It was… a shoe bathed in purple light. ”How…?” she pondered to herself as she looked at it. Whatever this was, it couldn't be the source of the voice. Perhaps they lost their shoe as they slipped into the shadows?

“Psst. Are you Evey?”

Glissa jumped and levelled her sword at the shoe in surprise. It sounded like it came from the shoe! She looked around since it was clearly a distraction. “Who’s there?” she asked into the darkness.

“Down here! Sorry, I’m in stealth mode in case the drow or the Hooman come by! Can you take me to Evey?”

Glissa looked down at the shoe. “A talking shoe?”

“Of course! Do you not have those here? Ha ha! I came from Minx Mansion. Not only am I a talking shoe, I’m also a means of communication and a transponder for magical teleportation! I’m a Magic Shoe! Can you take me to Evey? I have Night Queen Abbey on my other half to talk to Evey.”

Glissa looked at the shoe. She was a warrior, not a wizard. She wanted to slice spiders, not talk to shoes. But… If the shoe was telling the truth she couldn’t turn this down. “I will not. The details of our hidden location is too important.”

“Of course! I’m a secret agent shoe! I understand the need to be sneaky!”

“Just stay here and be quiet, okay? I’ll go get her.”

“I’m a shoe, not a foot! I’m not going anywhere. Ha ha!”

Glissa looked at the shoe sideways, mildly bewildered. Then, she turned and ran off into the basement, giving one last look over her shoulder before she lost sight of the shoe to make sure it wasn’t following her. Or something. It was a magical shoe. Who knew what it might try to do?

A few moments later Glissa returned with Evey and Aneka.

“Hi Evey!” greeted the shoe as they approached.

“It could be a trap. Some sort of deception,” suggested Aneka with caution.

“I know,” replied Evey, “but if this is the doing of Minx Mansion then it could be the help we need! It is said that their source of Mischief is very strong. If they can help us then that might be enough to rescue Saffee. Perhaps it could be even more!” She turned her attention to the shoe on the floor. “Hello Magic Shoe-”

“My name is Sassy! Ha ha!”

“Sorry. Hello, Sassy. I am Evey and I would very much like to speak with Night Queen Abbey of Minx Mansion. What must I do?”

“Put my heel to your ear and talk! Have you never used a shoe phone before? Ha ha!”

Evey looked from Glissa to Aneka. Both of the elves looked worried but it was what they needed. Whatever assistance they could get while they waited for others of the clan to arrive could be instrumental in saving the captured Saffee or stopping the evil drow. They both gave slow nods that it was worth the risk.

Evey picked up the shoe and slowly raised it to her ear. She spoke into it confidently. “Hello, I am Evey, one of the leaders of the True North clan. We have started the Resistance here to prevent the spread of influence of the drow known as Arachne Baenre. We are in need of assistance. To whom do I speak?” she asked.

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Old 15-09-2023, 12:19 PM
River River is offline
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Ahh we didn't realise that your Pyske's had Brownies to back them up. I'll stand the Pixies down but if you needs em and your insurance covers acts of Fae you know where they is.

Communication by shoe, thats new.... Well, except when we throw them at Mr Shamus to get him to move from in front of the TV but thats different.

be careful girls.

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Old 16-09-2023, 02:18 PM
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The contents of this post are not mine and belong to ShadowFun on TDF as a part of a collaboration. They are posted with permission. If you like what you see I would highly recommend checking out his work!

Help from Minx Mansion
Part 3

Ring Ring!!!

“Mistress Abbey, I have Lady Evey on the line for you!”

“Hello Lady Evey, it is Abbey of the Minx Mansion. I’m pleased that Sassy found you and your Clan! I realize trusting a tiny shoe’s word must have been a reach… Haha!

We here at the Minx Mansion are committed to assisting your efforts in resisting the Drow, and can send aid to you through the connection Sassy has made. Once you are able to construct a portal of your own, we can send more.”

“The Minx Mansion sits upon a natural wellspring of Mischief. We can send small nibbles of it through Sassy to help you right now.

Also, the Minxes have observed what appears to be large quantities of dormant Stuffs in your realm. We have a Zoomy-activated Stuffs that has volunteered to travel to your realm in the hope that it can assist you in your endeavors.”

"I am honored by your generosity, Night Queen Abbey. We will accept any help you can offer with gratitude. I will personally guarantee Sassy's safety and once we have constructed a portal we will return her through to you."

Later… by the Dorothy Portal…

“Excellent work Minxes! Now let’s get this transfer going. Sassy, we’re going to send the nibbles of Mischief through first to help loosen you up. The Stuffs is gonna be a bit of a stretch… Haha!”

“Don’t worry Mistress, your Sassy can handle it!!!”

“Ummm… the Stuffs is really BIG Sassy!”

“Make sure you lube up well with the Mischief!!!” ❤️❤️❤️

“Here comes the nibbles!!!”

“Ok… time for the Stuffs! It’s ok lil cutie, jump right in!”

*Teehee… Wheee!*

“Oooof!!! Yeah… that Stuffs is a big boy!”

“You can do it Sassy!!!”

“I hope all the sleepy Stuffs at Lady Evey’s place wake up and make some FUN… HaHa!”

“Yes indeed, Minxes… FUN is a great weapon against evil. Good luck Evey!”

Don’t bust your seams Sassy!
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Old 17-09-2023, 03:08 PM
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Help from Minx Mansion
Part 4

Evey listened to the movement on the other side of the shoe as the minxes prepared.

“Well? What’s going on?” asked Glissa impatiently as the silence from Evey drug on.

Evey moved the shoe away from her mouth but kept listening. “I am not entirely sure… I trust Night Queen Abbey. She is going to send us some Mischief which is wonderful, but she is also going to send some, um, Stuff. I’m not sure I understand, but I trust her wisdom. If she says it will help, it will help.”

Sassy chuckled awkwardly. “If you think you owe the Night Queen for all this, you’re going to owe me even more… That’s a big Stuff! Of course my other half is okay with it! She doesn’t have to pass it! Oh no… They’d better send plenty of Mischief first…”

“I don’t understand,” added Aneka. “But can we help? Can we make this easier?”

“Look! The first nibble of Mischief!”

As soon as it appeared, it was absorbed into Sassy’s sole. “Don’t worry, there will be more where that came from. Okay… Ha ha! I can feel it coming… I should have used more Mischief… Glissa! Get ready to pull! It’s huge!”


This site doesn't like my gifs! Click for animated action!

“Hah! I did it! Wow! Like a size ten foot in a size five shoe! Ha ha! I’m okay!”

“Good job, Sassy!” cheered Aneka.

“I’ve never seen anything like it.” admitted Evey.

“I don’t get it,” said Glissa, holding the brick of Stuff that Sassy had just birthed forth. “How does this brick help us defeat the drow?”

As Glissa spoke, a rustling was heard overhead in the boxes around them. The movement of thousands of individual pieces. All of the elves looked up.

“Oh my.”

“That, my dear Glissa, is potential. On its own it is not much, but what we have here is the catalyst of near infinite potential,” explained Evey with a smile. “The Stuff hoarded by the drow’s human could become our greatest weapon! But, our experiments with it will have to wait. Sassy, is there more Mischief?”

“Yes! The portal is still full of Nibbles! I can dispense it as you need it! You know how it works, right?”

Evey and Aneka nodded but Glissa didn’t. Mischief was one of the forms magic took in the world of the small elves and it had earned its name. Easy to use, but hard to master, the power within Mischief would listen to the will of the user but while the results would end up as desired, the method by which the magic happened was not always expected. The results were rarely malevolent and commonly mischievous, hence the name. Still, it was a power to be reckoned with and Evey believed it would be enough to free Saffee.

“And you’re okay with coming with us on a quest? A rescue mission to the stronghold of the drow?”

“Sassy is the bravest shoe you’ve ever met! I will help you free your friend! Ha ha! Besides, I don’t like the looks of the shoe portals around here… They scare me!”

“Once your clan is safe we’ll build a proper portal and you can use me to get advice from the Minxes on how if you need it! Once you have a portal you’ll have access to many different places and clans! It’s a wonderful world out there! Ha ha!”

“You truly are,” replied Evey as she raised Sassy back up to her mouth. “Night Queen Abbey, your gifts have been received. The True North Clan is in your debt. Should you ever need our assistance in the future, you will have it!”

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